Plz I miss my reddit scary threads
Getting caught in a large rainstorm in the evening while on a mountain trail with 3 more hours of rocky descent to go.
Let’s see…
One time? I took my parent’s dachshund, tootsie:
camping- this was when they first got her; she was maybe a few months old.
It was bear country in WI. Specifically, what’s called “primitive” camping where you can park at a state forest walk in and just set up camp.
Right by a beautiful trout stream. I was waiting for the sun to come up, enjoying some coffee, before going off to wet my line and get breakfast.
She was laying next to me, (an aggressive snuggler.) when this big ole bear comes up the stream.
When she saw it, she started trying to pick a fight. Barking.
Fortunately the bear was incredulous and possibly faintly amused. It looked at the puppy. Looked at me. Back at the puppy. It’s expression said “you realize you’re a snack, right?”
Fortunately, it moved off down the stream.
Yeah, she’s a dachshund to her core- sass, class and won’t hesitate to pick a fight with anything and then run behind you when it starts.
I was visiting some family in Transylvania, Romania and in the afternoon we decided to go for a small hike, in the mountainous woods. It was my wife and I, her local cousin and a dog. We head off into the woods on a path leading up a mountain.
At some point we passed a smallish stream and when we later returned to go back it had flooded and we couldn’t cross so had to take a detour. No phones/gps but the cousin claimed both he and the dog knew the way, so we followed them. Not long after we were in the middle of the forest in pitch black darkness as the sun went down fast, no longer following a path, but climbing up steep slopes on our hands and knees. At one point my wife put her hand down and touched something she claims was a mouse, she nearly started crying at that point. I was more worried about bears, but hoped the dog could scare them away if we met one.
Took us a few hours, but eventually we found a road and was able to follow it back. Though with Romanian traffic, I’m not sure if being lost in the woods wasn’t safer than walking a busy road at night with no lights.
You’re more worried about bears, but most of us reading this were mostly concerned about vampires…