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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Beetschnapps@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzteachings
    2 months ago

    I was one of those students who asked how it would be used, the teachers didn’t do the whole real world application part, and I never needed to go past trig.

    I work with engineers and use math like any other human on the planet but really wish mathematics was taught differently to make it more interesting. You hear a PHD candidate talk about the hairy ball problem and the math is interesting. Math class never was.

  • Beetschnapps@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzteachings
    2 months ago

    To translate: As a child learning math this equates to “ignore math, the explanations don’t explain anything real, they only explain more math.“

    “The only explanation is more abstraction with no real world application as far as math class is concerned. Frankly, there’s more application to your own life experience if you focus on language and the arts.”

  • Because the republican party full of congressmen who spend the 4th of July in Moscow…

    …the same party that paul ryan said was “a family” sworn to secrecy after he said trump and rorabacher were paid by putin…

    …the party full of the same people that erected gallows and chanted “hang mike pence” ON THE CAPITOL LAWN…

    …well they like to say that other American citizens aren’t Americans (Obama isn’t a citizen and only the HEARTLAND has real Americans) and threaten other American citizens with “second amendment solutions”.

    So this feeds directly into that bloodlust and misinformed opinion that city dwelling liberals are what’s wrong with the world.

  • Do you have kids? If so then other people helped pay for their schools, if not then you’re already paying for other peoples’ kids school.

    Hell do you have insurance? Do you know how that works collectively?

    You are already paying for roads you’ll never drive but others can, firefighters you’ll likely never need but other will, etc etc. conversely you are able to drive from A to B because of financial input from people that may never drive the same road.

    You are already contributing to and benefitting from this “theft”you speak of. The difference seems to be that you take issue with knowing that you are helping other people. It can’t be the money, you are already benefitting from that and you’d have to be stupid to say you shouldn’t.

    It’s frankly kind of weird how much you are already benefitting from everything you call “theft,” it only seems to be an issue as soon as you’re asked to contribute your fair share.

  • SS doesn’t fund people’s retirement like it’s an extravagant pension, it keeps the elderly out of poverty. Like you said the benefits scale so why refer to it like you’re personally cutting a check to send everyone in a cruise?

    You pay for roads you don’t drive on, I pay for schools for kids I don’t have, get over it. Selfishness isn’t a virtue.

    You are not rejecting the system making you a benefactor, by your own logic that ship has sailed. Congrats you’ve already contributed, and you’re not a slave and atlas has not shrugged.

    Right now you’re just making up reasons to be selfish… like you personally funding the nation’s retirements. Whatever you gotta tell yourself to feel good. It’s selfishness. Again, get over it.

  • Larson’s proposal would extend the standard 12.4% payroll tax, which is levied this year on all wage income up to $168,600, to income over $400,000, leaving an income gap that would be narrowed over time. Larson would also levy the payroll tax on investment income over $400,000; that income is currently not taxed at all.

    If you make less than 400,000 a year you would never see a new dime of taxes and social security would be solvent for your lifetime even with an increase in benefits.

    I wonder if anyone screeching about “my taxes” concerning this approach even makes over 400k YEARLY.

    It sounds like the raising “my taxes” bit is a lie, often repeated by people who are not so rich as to be affected. At best the argument is “I am selfish so fuck you”

    At worst it’s a deceitful argument that ignores how easy it is to continue a program that is the main thing keeping the elderly out of poverty.

    The same group of old people you will likely fall into if you’re making less than 400k a year these days…