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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023

  • Your gut reaction being to go immediately to 100 miles an hour is probably the ADHD. Most of us hyperfixate really easily and jump into things with both feet. That said, in my personal experience, we also tend to hyperfixate on hobbies in a certain “category”. If your a sports person, or hiking person, or craft person, or theater person you’ll regularly hyperfixate on things that surround your “main” interests. (Sometimes we also go wildly off script but most ADHDers I know eventually circle back to their core interests.)

    That said it’d be smart to get a basic understanding of camping in first because you can use it as a springboard for future hyperfixations. This was you’ll have the basic knowledge and equipment when your focus changes to ultra light, or extreme conditions, or rafting to camp spots. Etc. There is no escaping the dopamine hyperfixation train so you just have to learn systems that help you do it with minimal negative consequences.

  • I have never had to ask someone for help with my laptop even after an update. As far as I can tell my PC isnt slow and Ive never noticed spam. I just don’t use/push my laptop enough for that to have ever been a problem.

    That said, if someone installed Linux for me and set it up? I’d use Linux. The operating system really doesn’t impact my use of the laptop. The point I’ve been trying to make, and that seems to be largely being lost on the angry Linux bros on lemmy, is that using Linux isn’t the barrier and most people would use Linux- if it came pre-installed. Installation is the barrier, not use. If you put it on family/friends computers they’ll probably use it just fine. They just aren’t gonna bother learning to install it themselves.

  • I feel like this gets so close to understanding why non-technical people don’t use Linux. I had a class once in college I had to use Linux for so I have used it. It wouldn’t be hard at all to use Linux for what I use my computer for everyday. So if my laptop come with Linux or someone else installed Linux on it I’d be fine. I might not even notice right away honestly.

    The barrier isn’t using Linux, the barrier is installing Linux in the first place. Windows also works fine for the random low level stuff I use my laptop to do, so why would I go out of my way to install Linux when it would improve my life 0% and be a huge boring hassle for me?