• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Ex used me for my money. She would expect me to pay for a lot of stuff and while there were times where we’d split the bill, it wasn’t that often.

    Our 3 year on/off relationship wasn’t intimate at all. At first it was because she was trying to shield her parents and patients (she worked as a nurse) from COVID, but even after lockdowns were over and society began to heal things didn’t really change.

    When I say on/off, I was ghosted out of the blue once and was randomly blocked by her on all socials. She never even got back in touch until over a year later and I foolishly bought her explanation about being seriously depressed and suicidal.

    The last straw that made me break things off for good was when she begged and begged me to come on vacation with her and other colleagues, only to then turn incredibly toxic after I financially committed. It left me a choice of either salvaging a holiday to Santorini into a solo trip or being about £1k out of pocket from non refundable flight and accommodation fees. I chose the former…

  • In my old job, we were invited to an ultra-important Zoom call that was mandatory for everybody based in head office to attend. The meeting was scheduled at 9:30AM on a Monday morning, in the midst of our busiest week of the month when we had time-critical payment runs to get out for approval by 12PM. Hundreds were pulled from their work.

    What was this ultra-important Zoom meeting about?

    Our chief financial officer was announcing his resignation. I think everybody on that call would have rather gone back to their work than hear him brag about his plans to comfortably retire and “never work a day beyond 55” for twenty minutes. It was the most tone-deaf and patronizing announcement I’ve ever heard, especially in a workplace largely staffed by people who were struggling to even make ends meet.

    Even my (then) line manager was like “Was that it?”