Oof that sucks.
Oof that sucks.
Some authors straight up tell you where they get the most money for your purchase. Hardcopy is almost never it. But also those mini share libraries are cool and I like dropping sci fi books in.
Any of the third party reading apps and any epub file you store yourself. So if you buy an ebook from Amazon but get the epub version instead of Kindle then it’s protected from deletion. This is because you store it like any other document and your epub reader just reads the file.
DRM fuckery means your mileage will vary.
What do you mean? Bookmarks with no labels and highlights with no indexing isn’t enough for you? What do you want, integration of open source note taking software with Google Books?!? That’s ridiculous, nobody would ever use that…
Okay but for real. I got through college using One Note’s snip tool to take pictures of the text and paste it into my digital notes. So that’s a way to do it. It does suck that we have all this tech but we won’t let it talk to each other because rich people have to get richer, even around academia.
Sorry I can only count in full bananas. Reddit really got my brain.
I laughed but I also figured some people probably don’t know the general conversion is that easy. I’m not sure who’s so salty they down voted you.
There’s a massive difference between watching someone commit arson and watching a document get delivered that turns everything into a RICO case. You’d never know unless you knew the business details.
he has to set all this in motion before a guilty verdict is delivered.
Well that ship sailed.
No. Just no. It’s to prevent someone from un-aliving them for stuff they did as President.
Yes, but extradition back when the court issues a bench warrant would also be extremely easy. If there’s already an order keeping him from traveling they’d have to enforce it. Which is part of why that New York judge getting scared was bad, the system is poorly designed for rich defendants. Usually it handles it by getting their passport and restricting them from traveling.
So then you’d be interested in looking up the background of Biden, Obama, and the Clintons. They’re hardly from the elite. The stupid truth is we’ve destroyed social mobility so badly we can’t conceive of a USA with good schooling and cheap college so that making it on your merit really is a thing. But their entire generation benefited from heavily subsidized college and schools. I’m not going to say they were good politicians but this idea of a dynasty on the left really doesn’t track. Biden, and both Clintons worked in politics for decades before they got a shot at the highest office.
Bush on the other hand comes from a family of political elite that goes back to a World War 2 era pro fascist senator that tried (badly) to mount a coup against FDR. He spent Vietnam barely keeping his slot as a national guard pilot who never deployed because he was a bad pilot and a worse officer. Then he worked family jobs until he was airdropped in by the GOP to run for governor of Texas. And from there he ran for the Presidency.
But yeah tell me more about this attempt to conflate people who had to work their ass off with a trust fund party boy that got funded.
This isn’t a shower thought, it’s half baked both sides propaganda. It only works if you include VP slots and completely ignore the fact that Obama/Biden was an outsider ticket.
Really? They’re all cute except the Muslims?
Maryland responds, “but wait! Where are you?”
I live out west. Think of how far would be intolerable to walk in 45 degree heat and then add 30 minutes standing by the road, waiting for traffic lights to change, so you can attempt to cross without a crosswalk or a sidewalk, while you roast in the added heat from car exhaust.
1 m is approximately 3 ft
Oh that was me in reverse. Waking up to a pack of coyotes wondering if I was the tame human. Alas I sat up too quickly, scared them off, and now I’ll never get adopted by a pack of coyotes.
Because they’re also going after piracy as hard as they can