• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I just can’t agree. I wish having a different opinion didnt just mean people downvoted you to hell, you should be allowed to disagree with a popular opinion.

    So, instead, i will just counter with: i think hybrid theory and meteora were written around the same time, ive always held that both albums are start to finish bangers. When one song finishes and im just “catching a mental breath”, but another one starts and im like “oh shit!” Because i know its another great track i cant help but think both albums are amazing.

    They did, however, fall off a cliff after those albums. (Save for maybe reanimation, that was a fun album)

    Also im not even particularly a fan. I know them second hand from my younger brother who is/was more die hard. Im more into Muse, dear hunter, radiohead and things like that.

  • On the point of driving whilst stoned. Confidence comes with experience. It may not be safe, but i used to smoke at a friends house and had to drive home. Originally we would make a point of giving it a few hours after the last joint tbefore i left so i could sober up a bit. As time went on that last smoke got later and later and i still had to leave by a certain time. Eventually this evolved into me smoking a joint whilst driving because it just made no difference (seemingly) to drive sober or stoned.

    To your question i would say learning a musical instrument.

    I spent years using a basic yamaha keynoard worth about 200 pounds at the time (when i was young) and until i found i was getting good and was joining a band i just used that. Eventually i bought a much more advanced synthesiser for around 700-800 and still have that 15 years later, im only just thinking about getting a replacement. (I had a few random pianos and synths in between and have a full size (basic) electric piano as well)

    I worked in a rehearsal/recording studio for a few years and played in bands there and it was amazi g how many times you would see a new band of kids come in who could barely play baa baa black sheep but had spent easily 1500-2000 on their guitars and amps and insisted on bringing the amps and full drum kits to jams despite there being some fairly decent kits and and amps in the rooms already which were better for practice.

    Some of them got good, but most of them would try to sell their gear to us before too long.

    Im not saying you need to buy a cheap instrument and use it for a decade like me but dont spend 2 grand out of the gate and expect the skill to just fall into your lap.

  • Its a shame i dont have an ethernet cable that fast or a motherboard with a network interface capable of that speed.

    Great if i can get faster fibre into my home but my internal infrastructure is not up to the task. This wont be in the home until we can use fibre cables like we currently use ethernet cables.

    Or is there some other tech that would replace ethernet that would handle those speeds. Also whats my wrote speed on my ssd?

    Yeah i dont know if thisnis a tech thats meant for home, more likely large businesses with lots of devices all fighting for bandwidth.

  • Why are companies obsessed with adverts. They ruin the UX, they annoy users, and frankly, if i see an advert in something im trying to enjoy, at this point, it makes me actively not want to buy whatever is being sold.

    When adverts fill the peripheral or are unintrusive, they are acceptable. When they interrupt the flow of what i am doing, i want to burn them.

    I appreciate that they are how we make things free, but there is a point where they tip the balance of being worth it into the negative. And frankly, adverts in my OS are way over the line. I’d rather pay for windows 11 than use it with adverts. Perhaps its time for me to join a large number of my fellow lemmings and use linux.

  • Just buy cup and spoon measures. It simplifies the whole process. You already own metric measures, so what’s the difference.

    Edit: What’s all this then? Down votes? How is this not the most effective solution? Did it come off as condescending? That was not my intention.

    If the issue is that you dont understand the cup and spoon measurements, then just buy a cheap set of measures.

    You learn what a cup is. You dont have to translate american recipes every time you want to make something (which doesn’t translate to nice round numbers anyway) which saves time and reduces stress and you can still use metric measures for anything else.

  • Its just static electricity. Not dangerous at all and not exclusive to the scramble screen.

    Copied from an old reddit post:

    Old cathode ray tube (CRT) televisions have an electron gun which fires electrons at the back of the screen. And the screen is coated with phosphorus phosphors which emit light whenever struck by an electron. The side-effect of this process is that each electron increases the static charge of the screen, and over time as the image on the TV changes it increases the charge. Meanwhile, rubbing your hand, which has a slight negative charge, across the screen will remove some of this built-up static.