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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I’m sorry, bud, that sounds awful.

    I’m in the middle of my third month unemployed now. Sent out a bunch of applications and had some HR interviews but man, no one wants to pay even what I was previously making let along anything liveable.

    One place was a referral and they liked me a lot but, only slightly paraphrased, “didn’t want to start our partnership on the wrong foot by offering too low a salary”. Like bro you’ve already insulted me just give me the fucking offer and let me decide. Another place got to the second interview and it all went great and then I was ghosted and no one answered my follow-up email.

    Every job I see wants me to work on-site 2hrs away from the city in some small town for pennies. And that’s only if I’m lucky enough to see the salary! The rest hide them so people who are more desperate than I am low-ball themselves in order to not scare away potential jobs. It’s so completely fucked up.

    Not a single damn company will even acknowledge that inflation is real so I cannot afford to take lower pay just to watch it get worse every single year. The answer to every single one of our fucking problems all the way down to toxic masculinity I feel can definitely or at least probably be answered by PAYING EMPLOYEES PROPERLY SO THEY AREN’T CONSTANTLY IN FIGHT MODE. I see things like “how to increase the productivity of your workforce!” and just think pay them and give them the basic respect they deserve as living, breathing human beings and they’ll happily do a lot for you.

    Companies are entitled. They clearly can’t afford to exist if they can’t pay their employees but instead of shutting down with grace they tell us it’s our fault. It’s fucking insane.

  • They probably went over it(I only skimmed ‘cause it’s long and ADHD) but I find it very funny that all these right-wing people love the older architecture while forgetting that the reason things are bland today is because fancy is expensive and expensive means less profits. They’re not going to get office buildings for the peons that are works of art and you can see how the homes of the ultra wealthy are still just as extravagant as they’ve always been. They forget that peasants weren’t allowed in the palaces.

    The base of the right, the ones the truly evil people target, are often picked up using simple tricks that make them believe that anything which strips power from the mega wealthy will harm them, their families, and their friends. They really do want to protect the working man but they’re really easily fooled and so showing them pretty buildings and non-minimalist art makes them believe that the relatively more leftist world is taking things away from them.

    I mean fuck, how many times do they need to post the “roman roads were better” meme before they realize that a) the roman roads were government/military projects and not the work of private companies, b) roman roads that still exist are in warmer climates without frost heave, and c) roman roads never had to deal with fucking massive and fast cars. Oh and d) roads these days are built cheaply to save a buck and the contractors know they’ll be rehired anyway so what the fuck do they care?

  • I used to keep my phone under my pillow(no night table) with an alarm on it.

    “Stressed” is not lightly used when I talk about how it felt for my phone to go off and not stop. Alarm off, power off, under a pillow, thrown away, even smashed and snapped in two it would always keep ringing because, of course, in the real world it was under my head and never changing. Once I woke up proper and turned it off the silence was painful and I felt so unrested I very nearly cried.

    It’s not an “emotional” nightmare, i.e. it didn’t pull at anything heavy on my mind or anything, but it was torturous as a “physical” one.

  • So the best you got is medieval Iceland? And one of the main point is just on the height of people there while the other is trying to pull the concept of fair wages from butter and meat and shit? The scale alone is so incredibly small and the needs so localized that it has absolutely nothing to do with modern life in the slightest. It is so far removed from our reality that it might as well not be touched on at all when the United States, the shining beacon of capitalism, started with very few regulations and then needed a bunch because “the market” wasn’t doing it’s fucking job.

    They also compared Icelandic chieftains to feudal lords in England. Capitalism was invented to keep the idea of the monarchy going when it was clear that citizens of the world were getting fed up with their lords just doing whatever the fuck they wanted simply because they had the money to do so. Making that comparison is almost literally showing how, with a larger population, capitalism ceases to function and just becomes taxation without representation. It’s the same with any extreme ideology, in the end, where it demands full cooperation which simply cannot happen.

    Tell me, in your own words, why my points are incorrect. Tell me why Medieval Iceland is a good example when we have so many modern examples of less regulation leading to more needless suffering.


    You can still have money in other systems. The reason capitalism just doesn’t work is because it puts all the importance on said money, ahead of all of the people who exist in the world. A person is reduced down to their possessions and how much capital they have and can earn in the short term, and without those things they are thrown aside. Big money means big power and it can use that to further decrease the power of people. We’re seeing it everywhere right now. And more and more the people are afraid of losing what little money they have and so are allowing some horrible things to happen to themselves and others out of fear of losing their scraps.

    It just doesn’t work.

  • If you want to end capitalism this ain’t it. They want anarcho-capitalism, which is just an extreme form of capitalism that assumes everyone has the best of intentions. It’s capitalism except without any pesky “regulations” or “having to help literally anyone else”. The only driving force behind anything is money you have access to in your short lifetime and holding onto your private property at all costs.

    It’s the purest, worst possible form of capitalism if you care about other people to any degree. The only people that think it’s a good idea are people who currently believe that capitalism would totally work if we would just let corporations do whatever they wanted and if taxes were voluntary. In reality most of our labour laws are written so to stop shit like locking people inside a factory so they wouldn’t go on a break and watching them die from a fire multiple times. Building codes exist to stop them creating death-traps, and since they don’t a give a rat’s ass about the longterm we have to be constantly fighting them with environmental regulations so that future generations can survive.

    In short, any anarcho-capitalist society would end up needing to have worker unions(governments) to protect people in the end, the workers would want a say in affairs(a vote), and there would be union dues(taxes). The only difference is that if you aren’t working you don’t get to have access to, or say in, anything that happens.

    It’s dogshit.