• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Wow you’re pretty high up there. So that sounds like you are yourself a supervisor and supervisor educator and supervisor educators’ supervisor? Like some kind of a consulting group where my supervisors probably got trained? I don’t actually know who does the licensing for supervisor status - I’m guessing it’s just like the entry level where you have to get hours from anywhere that the state board vetted and stamped off on? It’s so interesting to me how state licensure has such a long relationship with private entities.

  • that’s pretty rad. i have a friend who teaches in chicago, the stuff he tells me he has to go through just to secure his place in the field is just ridiculous.

    all the emphasis on new publications, new ideas, new this and that – what if we already got the important ideas down years ago and now the work of philosophy is in putting it to practice? why demand that scholars demonstrate their capacity for new ideas instead of demonstrating a capacity for outstanding pedagogy of existing ones? it drives me nuts… we say all of modern philosophy is a series of footnotes to plato and yet expect our professors to focus on advancing the field rather than focusing on principles of quality education and mentoring

    gah this is why i left academia to do therapy

  • I’ve been fairly polite in this thread but I’m tempted to call you stupid. I won’t, because I get you, but you’re missing the point.

    Is [insert word] not what it is defined to mean??

    That is NOT what I am saying, you stupid-head. Is that what you think social construct means? Read my other replies and get back to me. Explain to me why your comment is wrong and a gross misinterpretation of what I’m saying.

  • Our naming and classification of things is all socially constructed. So yes, our categorization of edible things as food is a social construct, but our physical need to fuel our bodies with something digestible is not.

    i love you

    But also, using it that way makes existence a social construct, so it depends on how rigid you want to be.

    Explain. (warning lemmings may get mad)

  • yea this seems to be the deciding factor. but cant we think of something that we wouldn’t normally consider “food” and have it meet all these criteria?

    like if you saw a spider’s nest in the corner of your house, would you say “I have some food over here”? Why not? what if they were not poisonous, etc? what nutrients do they need to have in order to be considered food?

    what about non-digestible fibers that we may consume? are they not food? aren’t there some parts of plants that we don’t digest or something?

    you can see how this can be more ambiguous the deeper you look! it’s honestly such a shame that so many lemmings are SO off-put by even the idea of it.