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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • It could also be interpreted as a criticism of Libertarianism. The first two pigs didn’t go by any building codes, and instead decided that they wanted to build their shelters out of inferior materials with substandard protections against high winds. The third pig made sure that his dwelling met hurricane standards, and was saved. The story doesn’t go into the reasons why pigs #1 and #2 chose inferior building materials, so it could be interpreted in a number of different ways. It doesn’t HAVE to be about economics. It could just be that pigs #1 and #2 were big fans of Ayn Rand and reaped the whirlwind as a result.

  • I mean, everything does happen for a reason. It’s just that most of the time, the reason is “because so-and-so is an asshole”. It makes it essentially a useless platitude, but not an untrue one. I definitely take issue with the implication of it, that there’s some supreme, all-knowing authority in the universe who has this complicated, labyrinthine plan for everyone that involves massive amounts of suffering. That whole “mysterious plan of God” thing is a way for Christians to take credit for all of the good stuff that happens, while downplaying all of the bad stuff that happens as just “part of God’s plan!” It’s insidious.

  • Ok - I’m sold that Khelif is intersex. But again, that doesn’t change anything. The IOC sets the rules for their competitions, and they don’t preclude people with Khelif’s condition from competing, so she did not break any rules as you suggested. Additionally, according to that same coach in that same interview you posted, Khelif had been on a hormone adjustment regimen for the past year, meaning that her muscle mass and testosterone levels are in line with other female athletes of her age. So it’s not like she has an unfair advantage because of increased testosterone. And besides that, it’s not like she’s unbeatable. She’s lost 9 fights to other women, and that was before 2023, when her coach said she started having her hormones regulated. 9 other women beat someone who was living with all of the advantages you ascribe to being intersex.

    Also, your repeated misgendering of her is really shitty of you. She was born, raised, and identifies as female. Gender isn’t just based on what your chromosomes are. You saw a woman win against other women, and you got all hot and bothered about it, despite it being completely within the rules of the competition she was in, despite her having testosterone levels and muscle mass within the range of her competitors, and despite her losing against other women on several previous occasions.

  • I think a more fair recap is that you tried slinging lots of mud, declared that no evidence exists, ignored the part where this can be easily fixed with a simple cheek swab, and then shat on the women that had their dreams crushed.

    Hard disagree. First of all, any “evidence” you provided is speculative at best, and downright trash at worst. Secondly, why should the Olympics single these fighters out to even more scrutiny just because some people like you are butthurt about a woman beating a woman in combat sports?

    A journalist has claimed to see the test results

    Ok? Did he publish them? Did the lab publish information about the tests they did? No? Then who gives a shit? If the evidence isn’t public, then it’s not useful. You’re claiming that it exists because you want to believe it exists. The only evidence for it is a shady organization and one journalist who says that he saw the results once. I really hope you’re not an investigator, because you’d be shit at it.

    They’re allowed to be pissed off that the rules allow men to compete, and advocate for change.

    They very clearly don’t, though. No competitor in women’s boxing was a man. Your insistence that they were is completely unfounded.

    I hope you’ll listen to the evidence as it comes out

    If any evidence does come out, and if it is credible, I will change my opinion on the matter accordingly. That’s a big “if”, though, as there has been no evidence presented to date, other than your feelings.

  • I think it’s probably good to take a step back and see how we got to this point. Do a little recap. The first thing that I said was that you were strapped to some propaganda machines. That’s how this entire comment chain started. Please feel free and go back to my first comment in this thread if you feel I’m mischaracterizing it.

    You asked why I thought you were sucking down propaganda, and I enumerated the reasons for it. Not the least of which, I might remind you, is that you care so much about the outcome of an amateur female boxing Olympic event that you made a post about how disappointed you were with the Lemmy community for how they were reacting to it. Our entire conversation to this point is predicated on the fact that you’re so deeply affected by the outcome of a sport that you very likely didn’t give a single, solitary fuck about 2 weeks ago. So let’s set that as a baseline here.

    Next, I pointed out that the only evidence you’ve presented for your argument that Khelif is a man is that the IBA said so, that the IOC made an ambiguous tweet, and that some of the people who Khelif beat were butthurt about it. Again, please feel free to peruse the entire conversation to date to verify the truth of what I just said.

    When I pointed out that even in the off chance that Khelif is intersex, it very specifically doesn’t violate IOC rules, and that Olympic events are run by the IOC, you throw some catch-22 bullshit at me.

    Let’s face it, my guy: you’re unhinged. There is no reaching you. You have a conclusion that you want to be true, and you’re upset that other people you share this space with aren’t convinced by your evidence. I think it would be a very good idea for you to take a step back, and examine why you’re so invested in your foregone conclusion here. Why do you feel so strongly about this issue that you’re willing to not only make a post about it, but go to something like 12 or 13 replies deep in a hostile conversation with a stranger about it? What do you get out of this if you’re right, and what do you lose if you’re wrong?

    I think your perspective is entirely too narrow, and that you’re entirely too invested in an issue that has literally nothing whatsoever to do with you. This is why I suggested in my first reply to you that you should probably distance yourself from the internet for a bit and do some soul searching.

  • Ok, well first: some of the women “they” fought thought “they” cheated. Not all of them. Second, who gives a shit? Seriously, who the fuck cares what losers think? That one lady - Angela Carini - claimed that she had a “warrior spirit”, then quit after being punched in the face twice. 46 seconds in. That ain’t a fucking warrior spirit; that’s fucking weak.

    The point is, the women who lost and were bitter about it don’t set the rules for the tournament. The IOC does, since it’s an IOC event. And the IOC said that both Khalif and Lin were qualified to compete in it. So bitching from Carini and a couple of others means precisely dick.

  • Ok, but there is no evidence that they even ran the fucking tests, you dolt. They won’t release any info about them. The only evidence you have that they ran tests is that they said they ran tests. Given that they’re unreliable, why in the name of fuck would you trust them?

    As for your tweet? Who gives a shit. You’re reading meaning into it that isn’t there. You could easily point to the part that says: “This is about a woman taking part in a women’s competition” to get the IOC’s take on the matter.

    Do you think the IOC didn’t test the athletes? Is it your contention that because of some wording in a tweet that you choose to find ambiguous that Imane Khalif is intersex despite no other valid supporting evidence? That’s pretty weak, dude. Seriously - you’re so high on propaganda that the fumes are leaking out your nose.

    Edit: And if she is intersex (which, again, has zero evidence as of now), the Olympics obviously doesn’t feel that it’s a disqualifying condition for women’s competitions. So why the fuck are you bent out of shape about it? If an organization says that two competitors are fit to fight under their bylaws, who the fuck are you to challenge them?

  • Well, I mean, first thing is that a women’s boxing event at the Olympics has you frothing at the mouth. Doubt that you’d have the same reaction if you didn’t tune into Fox News 24/7. I suppose it’s possible that you were a big fan of women’s amateur boxing before 2 weeks ago, but for some reason, I highly doubt that.

    Secondly, the only evidence you have that Imane Khalif is intersex is from the IBA, an organization that refused to release any of the information about the tests they ran. Also, it’s an organization that is pretty god damned crooked, run by a Russian man, is based in Russia, and is sponsored exclusively by Gazprom, a Russian energy company. And the disqualification of Khalif came immediately following her beating Russian fighter Azalia Amineva. The same thing, of course, happened to Lin Yu-ting after she beat a Russian fighter as well.

    So your entire thesis here is based on the word of an organization that the IOC has determined is crooked, and has permanently banned from the Olympics. Not only that, you’re giving them the benefit of the doubt despite them not releasing any specific information about the tests they allegedly ran, and despite them running those tests immediately following these two fighters beating undefeated Russian opponents.

    Now, someone who wasn’t sucking down right-wing propaganda 24/7 would probably look at that and say: “Gee - it kind of sounds like that organization is probably not very trustworthy”, but you went whole hog and started ranting about how disappointed you were in the Lemmy community that they were cheering for a “man” beating up a woman.

    You’re high on the propaganda juice, mate. You need to pull the hose out of your mouth, go outside, and re-think significant parts of your life.

  • You have to understand: it’s really difficult to find good people when they keep sending their talent off to die in senseless meat wave-style attacks for marginal, non-strategically important gains in territory. It takes a while to build up the skills necessary to astroturf effectively. At least he speaks English!

    To OP: you’re doing great, man. Don’t let the haters get you down. Seriously, don’t. It’ll negatively affect your performance, and they’ll send you to the front line.

  • It’d be wasted breath, really. Trump will never step down, because he’s trying to remain out of prison. If he loses, then there goes any chance he had at pardoning himself for his numerous crimes. So he’s not only the far and away favorite Republican candidate, but he’s also highly motivated to stay in the race for personal reasons. No appeal to his sense of patriotism will work to get him to step down because he has no patriotism. He’s in it for himself and himself only.

    Biden, on the other hand, is just the default Democrat guy because he’s the incumbent, and the party figured that’d be enough to win, and so haven’t been trying very hard. And that has everybody terrified, because if he loses, then we get another 4 years of Trump, and probably never get to vote again. Basically, people are calling for Biden to step down because the stakes are way too high to fuck around.

  • It’s actually really good that you wrote out your frustrations like this. Humans are incredible at forgetting, which is why people often look forward to having a second or third child despite living through the nightmare you’re describing. In a couple of years, if you’re feeling like you want to have another one, at least now you can go back through your old posts and regain a little bit of the perspective you’ve managed to forget so you can go into the second time around with your eyes wide open.