More of a demigod
More of a demigod
Poop, farts and mariachi music.
No… When I fart.
No, just fat with janky teeth.
You mean the death star of David?
No, put in the hospital as in getting beaten badly enough to warrant medical attention.
You’re a close second though.
Clearly me.
Well I am a bit of a jack of all trades. So either
The neuroscience of communication in early childhood.
Free will and what how we can build on the libet experiments
The neuroscience of memory and navigation.
Shamanic practices of pre-christian Europe (I’m actually a certified shaman).
The chemistry of IEDs .
Assassination techniques and choosing your artery.
Natural poisons and how to use them.
Finding food in the wild.
Hey, for a hundred bucks I’d eat her ass.
I have 4 kids. I’m cleaning every day. It’s pretty much all I do.
The only foreigners in my kids class are Palestinian. It’s otherwise all Norwegians. But you also have to bare in mind that it wasn’t uncommon for effeminate men to have it “beaten out of them” or lesbians to be raped to “correct their behaviour” until very recently. So it was in people’s best interests to keep it secret. I remember that even 20 years ago in the more left leaning cities in Britain people were getting put in the hospital for being gay/ trans.
Try keeping a poop diary. For every excretion write:
Where it lies on the Bristol scale
How easily wiped it was
General feelings and observations
Poopiter, obviously