• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • Lol this was the same sub where someone demonstrated how thirsty the userbase was by uploading an image of some game art and then uploading an image of OP (F) holding her art after a week with the latter getting like 10x the upvotes.

    After that the front page was basically a bunch of “Played X game with my totally existent female SO” posts which were clearly all staged for vote farming.

    Weird sub that I never touched again well before leaving reddit altogether.

  • tbh not really

    Even the largest comment threads tend to only have a select few comments that are either blatant shilling or next level dumb.

    Everyone else seems to have at least several comments that match their opinion.

    Even the complaints about .ml spamming seem mostly untrue, I haven’t really seen any spam or mod deleted content.

    ml and world defnitley mod or ban eachother, but I don’t think they’re increasing in trolls.

  • Lol this happened in Michigan with Covid-19

    There were like 10 reported cases total because hospitals would only send for a test with a solid match up of symptoms and if the patient had recently traveled from China.

    Then when they opened up testing for everyone after CA and NY started going up in flames, it went from 10 to like 1000 cases reported every day.

    All in a span of like two weeks.

    Went from meme to pandemic so fast Whitmer closed public schools faster than the schools themselves could.

    Oh and then Trump got mad and refused to send aid or allow harsher restrictions lol.

  • You can pretty much always count on a hero to:

    • Leave their ordinary world to pursue a mission in unfamiliar circumstances.
    • Discover new friends and make new enemies, including one primary foe who seems undefeatable.
    • Face tremendous trials.
    • Learn difficult lessons.
    • Experience an “all is lost” moment or a moral dilemma. Or both.


    In terms of what the hero is like as a person, traits can vary. However, the most common qualities seen in the hero archetype are:

    • Physical or magical strength.
    • Physical, mental, and emotional resilience.
    • Persistence.
    • Courage.
    • A strong sense of right and wrong.
    • Commitment to a mission, relationship, or value system.
    • An impulse to protect the defenseless or give a voice to the unheard.

    This dude is a 1:1 match for the hero archetype lol. Name one example where Luffy decided not to help or choose a mutually beneficial solution to another character that he liked. Helping only friends and kind doesn’t make you any less of a hero.

    There’s nothing wrong with following the archetype, it’s actually a sign of good story writing.

    But having him say “I’m not a hero” every five seconds is annoying as hell and feels like shoehorned dialogue that doesn’t go anywhere or build on anything.