• 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023


  • This then led to bluff glancing at the walls before betting.

    God, I love it when things like this start to develop when playing games with friends. Especially when it’s a newer player, or maybe even the quiet person that starts doing it - the first time you catch on to someone pulling a trick like this is the best possible feeling of, “you son of a bitch!”

  • I see, well if you’re more in the self-hosted side of things other people have given some suggestions that seem like it would work well for your needs.

    I used to have a huge collection of music I’d accumulated and only played files locally, but I’ve gotten lazy over the years and am a Spotify boy now. I will say that it’s been irritating me to no end with how bad shuffle is; my main playlist has over 500 songs in it and I know there’s at least a hundred or so that I haven’t heard in months because Spotify’s “shuffle” thinks it knows what I want to listen to more than I do.

  • “I don’t like oranges in desserts”

    That’s perfectly valid and nothing wrong with that ✨✨✨

    “It’s weird when oranges are used in sweet things because they nory are sour”

    OMG what so oranges can’t be sweet now they should hide their sweetness? 😡 That’s incredibly tasteless wow. You should N E V E R explain why your preference means away from something you [descriptor]ist!

  • make it stupidly hard for players from certain countries to play as they can’t legally sign up for a PSN account

    Not trying to dismiss this issue but looking for more info: illegal as in, their country outlaws using the service? Or Sony does not allow citizens of that country to make an account? If it’s the former, were these people even allowed to download the game through Steam legally? If the latter, is there any reason to care, other than potentially getting banned?

  • My immediate response was also Adam Savage. I say this while laying in bed, background watching mythbusters as I do every night. I’m studying to become an engineer and it’s literally because of this show and how interested it got me in science and just understanding how things work as a kid.

    It’s been a dream of mine for years to meet the man and thank him, but he seems to keep himself quite busy these days. I just watched a 12 minute video of him simply talking about a pencil and I hope he never changes.