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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • All you’ve left it is morals really.

    Most people find general incompetence extremely unattractive.

    There’s a huge difference between general incompetence (the person is truly useless and won’t help with anything or do anything), or specufuc incompetence (they suck at some stuff but still useful overall and will gladly pitch in when they can on tasks)

    I guess you also missed reliability. If you are reliable, never late to things, never bail or ghost, don’t lie, don’t gaslight, etc etc, then that’s usually attractive.

    Empathy matters too, do you “get” it, do you demonstrate emotional intelligence, etc? Or do you put the person in an awkward uncomfortable position without regard for how they feel?

  • This seems like it has pretty powerful potential for space flight.

    Being able to aggressively min max packaging materials to secure materials could be critical for reducing payload sizes on shuttles, where every single individual gram counts.

    Each kg of packaging is thousands of dollars to get into orbit, so that’s really appealing.

    I’d be curious to see if Amazon is also working on box packing algorithms for maximizing fitting n parcels across x delivery trucks.

    IE if you have 10,00 boxes to move, what’s the fewest delivery trucks you can fit those boxes into as fast as possible too, which introduces multiple complex concepts. Both packing to maximize space usage and the order you pack it in to minimize armature travel time…

    I’d put money down amazon is perfecting this algorithm right now, and has been for awhile.

  • This is already to some degree an existing dilemma. There are already individuals out there who, due to genetic lottery, happen to have an adult body that through some efforts of clothing, makeup, hairstyle, etc, can very much present themselves as substantially younger looking than their actual age.

    Lord knows certain popular niches in the porn industry make this apparant… >_>;

    And from what I have heard on social media, sometimes these individuals couple up with another person who… doesnt look substantially younger.

    And often, these couples face quite a bit of controversy and social stigma, despite everything they are doing and into being 100% legal and, from am objective standpoint, ethically fine (they are two consenting adults after all)

    But I agree that future tech with things like gene editing and whatnot this dilemma will certainly become substantially more pronounced and I think it will likely be yet another group being attacked for daring to live their lives.

  • Apples and oranges.

    Itd only be comparable if everyone had an equal chance of becoming the sole owner of a company via random lottery, simply by joining the company.

    In which case, yes, most people would congregate to the largest companies to min max their odds.

    You can’t really compare anything else to a lottery because a lottery is truly a level playing field, it’s pyre chance.

    Any other comparison introduces tonnes of variables like status, gender, orientation, religion, wealth, etc etc.

    It isn’t a literal dice roll if your company you start succeeds or not, you can’t just go pay a fee to start a company, kick your feet up and there’s a pure 1 in x chance it makes it without you doing anything.

    But that is how a lottery works. You buy the ticket, you wait, and you either win or lose by chance.

    And most importantly your success scales by how many others participated.

    So you end up with the majority of people congregating to a select few lotteries because they all want to win The Big One TM.

  • The thing is, the reason it gets so high is because it has the potential to get so high. It’s the powerballs selling point.

    I’d suspect if someone made a lottery using your system, it would be less popular and wouldn’t actually have the situation occur since less people would fund it.

    The powerballs bananas numbers it can scale up to us exactly what makes it so popular and able to scale so high. Everyone collectively has agreed that poeerball is the primary lottery to pitch into with everyone else.

    I think if you set up a theoretical test where you have a bunch of people together, and a bunch of lotteries they can gamble on each week, you’d quickly find after a few weeks everyone would be gambling at the same lottery, give or take.

  • Others have covered the fact it’s because of air pressure but haven’t fully answered why that is the way it is.

    It’s simple really.

    The force of gravity is also at play. As you go higher up, gravity gets weaker as you get farther from the earth’s centre.

    And it is that gravitational force that increases the air’s density, same reason why if you keep going down in the water, the water gets denser.

    For the heat to move around you need to be in a sort of goldilocks zone of density.

    It needs to be dense enough that the fluid molecules can move around and spread the convection energy around… but not so dense they can’t move much either.

    Furthermore there’s actually a couple different layers of our atmosphere.

    First at our level is the troposphere, where heat is absorbed into the ground itself and radiated back out, as well as the perpetual heat from the earth’s core, and reflected off the ground too (visible light).

    The troposphere is warm and gets colder as you get farther away from the earth’s surface, naturally. That heat is absorbed by the air itself so, as you get farther away it gets colder as it has more air to travel through.

    Up higher is the Stratosphere, where it’s ice cold and the air thins out.

    However we get a sudden uptick in temp as we go even higher into what is called the Stratopause, back to briefly warm temperatures between the Stratosphere and the Mesosohere. Why? How?

    Simple, this is the little sweet spot Ozone molecules hang out, forming a protective convenient bubble around the earth. Ozone absorbs Ultraviolet light from the sun and turns out that stuff is HOT, so there’s a band of a hot zone right above and below the Ozone layer. Think of it as a toasty little bubble around us.

    Above is the mesosphere which cools off again and gets back to being really frosty quickly, for the same reason the Stratosphere did, distance.

    Then we hit the mesosphere, which is effectively the point when the atmosphere is so thin it stops protecting and is the “outside” of our protective blanket.

    You can imagine this like earth being wrapped in a blanket, and the mesosphere is everything outside the blanket. Without any protection you are subject to the unbridled radiation of the sun which means you go back to being really toasty, as you get a bit higher you are effectively in space now and will soon enough hit temps that just cook you alive in a minute or two. Really bad sunburn zone.

    So to answer the question overall:

    Hot air rises… but only when there is air to rise.

    Top of the mountains just don’t have enough air anymore for it to really rise much more. It still does but the hot air rising effect just gets weaker and weaker as the air gets thinner due to less gravity.

  • Not related to the article at all mate.

    This article is about how many plugins have Bern discovered to have implemented oath in a very insecure way and simply using them can expose your sensitive info you have linked to your chatgpt account.


    1. You connect your github account to your chatgpt account (so you can ask chatgpt questions about your private codebase)

    2. You install and use one of many other compromisable weakly implemented plugins

    3. Attacker uses the weak plugin to compromise your whole account and can now access anything you attached to your account, IE they can now access your private git repos you hooked up in step 1…

    Most of the attack vectors involve a basic (hard to notice) phish attack on weak oath urls.

    The tricky part is the urls truly are and look legit. It isn’t a fake url, it actually links to the legit page, but they added some query params (the part after the ? In the url) that compromise the way it behaves

  • Boy this sure seems like something that wouldn’t be that hard to just… do a study on, publish a paper perhaps? Get peer reviewed?

    It’s always weird for me when people have super strong opinions on topics that you could just resolve by studying and doing science on.

    “In my opinion, I think the square root of 7 outta be 3”

    Well I mean, that’s nice but you do know there’s a way we can find out what the square root of seven is, right? We can just go look and see what the actual answer is and make an informed decision surrounding that. Then you don’t need to have an “opinion” on the matter because it’s been put to rest and now we can start talking about something more concrete and meaningful… like interpreting the results of our science and figuring out what they mean.

    I’d much rather discuss the meaning of the outcomes of a study on, say, AI Generated CSAM's impact on proclivity in child predators, and hashing out if it really indicates an increase or decrease, perhaps flaws in the study, and what to do with the info.

    As opposed too just gesturing and hand waving about whether it would or wouldn’t have an impact. It’s pointless to argue about what color the sky outta be if we can just, you know, open the window and go see what color the sky actually is…