just me

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2023


  • wonderfully written! yes I absolutely agree with that perspective. Additionally having a mascot in the form of a guy who wholeheartedly believes he’s the son of the God (and is also god in a way because we can’t get polytheists about it of course) is a great marketing move. People always have a hard time trusting and identifying with some ethereal entity up in the sky, there’s a reason why all gods have human (or animal) faces, if Jesus was fully made up or inspired by a mentally ill guy who was completely delusional but still kind that’s another thing lol

  • though I agree that there could be many things wrong with science today. Your examples aren’t the best fit

    both asbestos and smoking at first appeared to everybody to be something good. And it for sure wasn’t your anti-vax neighbour who proved they were dangerous because of “toxins” and “5G mind control implants”

    non-experts today are at an incredible disadvantage when it comes to science simply because science got really complicated and interconnected. I believe this is also a part of why some people are losing their trust in it, it’s hard to simply trust something you can’t understand yourself

  • honestly I never even noticed that. But I did learn English like a native would - through near total immersion, and mainly monolingually instead of through translation. Whenever I learnt something new I was just like “alright so that’s how I say the thing”.

    To be perfectly honest, if your language teacher points out that “I’m home” is a unique case I’d say that’s a bad move, because now you’ll second guess yourself every time you want to say it & might make mistakes you otherwise wouldn’t.

    This goes for all linguistic quirks imo, so many “watch carefully for those little bits” that instead of helping you learn they make you confused. Imagine learning about through thought though taught tough throughout thorough all in one day because “they’re all very similar but very different! we put them all in the same spot to make sure you don’t get them confused :)” it’s a mental cluster fuck trying to remember which is which when you have all of them in one spot, the way to learn them is to have examples of their uses scattered across the ciriculum so that when you encounter one you can commit it to memory before you see the next one

  • I once got lectured by my dad how I’m the one being selfish and entitled, and how I try to restrict his freedom and comfort during family time, when I tell him to watch videos on mute, or get himself ear plugs, this was in a hotel restaurant might I add.

    Jesus fucking christ, the level of anger I felt took me all the way back to being a teenager, I was very close to throwing a tantrum and going to my room without eating.