Would be more efficient if she’d also smoke 30 cigarettes a day.
It’s the 70s. The cigarettes are implied haha
This is what is now called a keto diet. Eggs, due to high protein, work as an appetite suppressant for several hours. Sugar causes cravings in a few.
There was never, among other things, a high population of obese people until the recommendation of the low fat diet (pyramid diet). Usually you would just see them at carnivals.
I’ve gone back to the 60’s diet several years ago. Lost 95 lbs, have increased energy levels, feel great.
10/10 recommend
The wine is probably 500 Calories in carbs though.
True, but I don’t drink alcohol unless it’s a dry wine, or a low carb seltzer.
I could 100% live on this diet. It is probably almost as healthy as I eat now.
Three eggs a day? In this economy!?
Wait how expensive are eggs in the USA? In Germany I pay 3.50 Euros (3.65$) for a dozen organic eggs. Make that 2.20 for non-organic not free-range
I was at the grocery store yesterday $6 a dozen was the lowest price one they had
$8.99 for 12 in California
The average dozen is about 3 USD
2 daily eggs, give or take, is about 30 usd a month
So they have to be a total destitute to not reach that in a month given the complexities on preparing the eggs (iev boiling). Ironic, given that they seem to have a good internet connection and a device for it
I think your math is off. At 3$/dozen 2 eggs a day is 1doz/6 days 30/6 =5 5x3 = 15$/month
The reason it hurts when egg prices go up is because eggs were (and are still) some of the most cost-effective protein (especially as a whole protein) you can buy and eggs are in everything.
That’s the average in (early) 2024. With bird flu the current commodity price is 7/dozen and expected to rise. The joke above was meant to reference the sudden and alarming spike in egg prices. Without public health intervention things could get pretty bad.
This guy gets it
Trump is going to bring the egg price down any day now
Egg in a hole is the new avocado toast
I got curious and asked chatgpt to calculate things for me. It suggests that if doozens of eggs cost you more than 5$ you can save money if you raise your own chicken.
In the first year, considering initial costs for setup and equipment, you may not save much—perhaps only $10 to $50. However, after the first year, the ongoing costs (mainly feed) could result in savings of $50 to $100 annually for each hen you keep.
Chickens get sick extremely easy and require a LOT of time for extra care and maintenance of their boxes.
For an amateur, the first years will be as much if not harder.
But my guess is if someone can’t make the 30 USD a month it takes to eat 2 daily eggs, they surely are not struggling for free time
Growing up we had 4 egg laying hens. We were swimming in eggs. Literally had to plan meals and baking and whatnot around how many eggs we had. We fed them to our dogs. Granted, it was just my mom and I, but damn we had eggs.
When is it “neccessary” to poach an egg instead of hard boil? I guess the 70s was a strange time. It was half a century ago and no one had computers or cell phones back then. I think people sat around and played monopoly.
One bottle a day per person. Boooo. Maybe get the double sized bottle then. The cheap ones they sell at the drugstore. And drinking wine and coffee in the same meal, nice. Maybe mix them together. It says chablis only, a regional subset of chardonays. Seems a little bit strict-- I again blame the 70s.
OK damnit, I’m in with you OP. First one to -5 pounds (or death) wins. Shall we bet?
I think the poaching was only mentioned cause it’s in vogue and it had to make the reader feel bougie.
Winner gets the others leftover eggs
I have to forfeit. just went to 3 stores, no eggs to be had till wednesday I heard. I guess you win, and you get all my leftover eggs.
Replace the egg by a croissant, add a cigarette after each meal. Become condescending. Move to France. Blend in.
Replace the egg by a œuf.
Imagine that being your fuel for every day. Oh, and while you’re at it, wrangle one or more small [animal-like] children all day, keep the entire house clean, and dinner better be ready when I get home–it’s been a hard day at work. And stop being such a bitch, eh?
The booze was less of a diet aid and more of an anti-psychotic, I assume.
This diet was easy with a health dose of amphetamines. Wine took the edge off.
With a healthy enough dose, you can speedrun this by cutting the eggs, coffee, wine, and steak.
That’s what I’m talking about!
So passé, it’s ecig now.
my wife and I tried this for a couple weeks and it works but I’d recommend putting the steak at lunchtime or breakfast if you’re at all active before dinner.
I nearly passed out when I tried to exercise before dinner steak. Next time I had the steak for lunch and was A OK.
Unspoken component of this diet was an array of experimental opioids and uppers that were handed out to housewives like tic-tacs.
Mother’s Little Helper
Unlike now, when the target demographic for pharmaceutical stimulants is mainly children.
What ties it together for me is suggesting that poached egg for Lunch is acceptable, as if they understand the horrors of war experienced during breakfast
I’m also intrigued as to why they think hard boiling vs poaching the egg has any bearing on its calorie content.
I heard some foods have more calories when they’re cooked versus uncooked because it puts them in a form that is easier for your body to process, but I don’t think it’s anywhere as granular as hard boiled versus poached lol.
Yeah, that’s plausible for cooking in general, but boiling vs poaching is a pretty fine distinction.
Pochwd has high probability you will eat the yolk which has the highest calories of all the egg
Hard boiled you can just take out the solid yolk out and not eat it.
I keep thinking of the old rolling ball on the bottom of mice when I see hardboiled yolk
you are over cooking your eggs if they come out with grey yolks
Man, my mom has been ducking up my eggs
Yeah same, those old rolling balls were delicious.
Why would you do that? Are there people who prefer the white? If so, they need to be my friends, we would be compatible.
On a hard boiled egg? yes. HB yolks taste like butter chalk to me. I don’t mind yolks in things, but their individual flavor and texture in HB is lacking to me.
You have boiled it too long then. Hard boiled doesn’t need to be taken literally as boiled until tough and rubbery. I aim for just past “jammy” yolks, the white completely set, the yolk fully cooked but only just. That is done by putting them in boiling water, 9 minutes or a little less, immediately cool by draining them filling the pot with ice.
I’d certinly give that texture is configurable. But there’s something in that yolk that I don’t care to deal with without some serious masking. I don’t even like deviled eggs.
For textbook perfect boiled eggs, place the eggs in a pot of cold water. Bring to a boil then cover the pot and remove it from the heat. Wait 10 minutes since the eggs under cool water and peel immediately.
I used to do that but lowering them into boiling water works a lot better for me, can get ramen eggs, soft, hard boiled, the timing somehow always works out even though they can’t possibly be going in at exactly the same temperature every time. The boil and wait 10 gets them too cooked.
I do also poke a hole in the empty end of the egg, with a pin, and this makes 'em easier to peel.
Are there people who don’t prefer the white??? I love boiled egg whites so much I could just have a bowl of them next to me if I wasn’t so lazy to boil and peel
Ok, deal, I get the yolks, you get the whites. I’ll even boil and peal to get the yolks!
I am coming over to give you a kiss on the lips rn
Many reasons really. health reasons is the first one that comes to mind. Others don’t like the texture, while being fine with the runny yolk using it as a sauce in other situations. The reduced surface area also heightens the flavor of salt, so you end up eating less salt per egg overall
In any case yeah. There are people who prefer the white part as well
But they don’t even say to do that lol.
That wine is gonna kick like a mule on an empty stomach.
And the coffee to really make you going.
Coffee to get you up wine to bring you down, everything in balance.
Poached if necessary
I wonder when poached eggs are necessary
Tired of boiled maybe, like necessary for your sanity
I choose to see it as stealing eggs from the nests of eagles and condors.
Just throwing in a little shame for free
- Brought to you by the American Egg, White Wine and Steak Association.
Feels like the Lucille Bluth diet.
“It’s what’s for breakfast, lunch and dinner…”
ah yes, the trembling alcoholic diet
tbf when I was young and single and would go out 4 times a week I was the skiniest I’ve ever been
When I was 20 I ate pizza and drank soft drinks every day for two years straight and I was fine. Having the youth and body that allows you to make tons of mistakes is great.
It’s not only that. The acohol diet is real. We go out and drink drink drink, puke, no sleep, work work work. I was living out of 1 sandwich a day and It was fine. Of course my body allowed me to do this lol, nowdays if you ask me out past 8pm I think you are insane
Young is doing a lot of lifting.
Just as I never had to when I was young…
I was always skinny, no matter my diet or exercise etc. until I turned 30. I’m a bit above normal now, not fat but got some stuff to tug on. Looking back at photos from my crazy party years is scary, almost feels like a miracle that I’m still alive. I was so damn skinny and had almost green skin colour, just sickly looking. That’ll definitely come and bite me in the ass in older days.
deleted by creator
On a single bottle of wine?
That’s why theyre trembling.
Wine + coffee
But you would build resistance to both over about three weeks.
Very similar to The Drinking Man’s Diet.
Basically yes.
Bless her. If someone that really ‘loves and appreciates wine’ but ‘hates eggs’ finds that a complete nightmare, then I (who am the opposite) should leave it alone.
She’d absolutely cooked the shit out of those eggs, though. I’d probably hate them too if I only got ‘yellow cooked until it’s a powdery dust’ as my options.
They aren’t done until you get an even green layer around the yolk.
OK but also boiled eggs are fine. Like I don’t hate them with seasoned salt, but fried and scrambled are the way to go
I laughed way too hard at this.
I love wine, but it is a depressant, and without a more normal amount of food to help blunt the effects of alcohol, I think I was experiencing a little bit of that “sad drunk girl crying in the bathroom” syndrome many of us observed (or experienced, no judgment!) in college.
I feel this without the alcohol so maybe I should try this diet and lose some weight at least.
OK that’s hilarious and also it puts a bit of a contextual spin on mid century misogyny. Every description of the mental and emotional effects of that diet reminded me of how all that was the stereotype of young professional women in the 70s
A bottle of wine a day is a lot of empty calories
Could always cut down on the eggs and add some tequila
Key point is that while ethanol can easily be turned into triglycerides, it’s not so easy to do gluconeogenesis with it. Since you can’t turn it all into glucose, you can’t refill your glycogen stores with it. Every gram of glycogen comes with 3 grams of water. You’ll end up losing a lot of water weight in a few days even if you’re in a calorie excess because of the relatively low carbohydrate profile of this diet. If you drink enough wine, the sugar from the wine will allow you to rebuild your glycogen stores so that’s why this diet limits it to a bottle.
I keep telling my parole officer this but he won’t listen.
I mean, at least the wine and coffee have some antioxidants.
3 eggs is a lot of empty protein
I can already smell the deadly farts. The force is strong with this one.
After a whole bottle of wine, you wouldn’t care, and you would care if anyone else cares :)
Does wine cause farts? News to me.
eggs and nothing else certainly does