I don’t think I’ve made a post on here about food, so here goes! 😃
I’ll go first…I just love eating uncooked pasta. It has such a satisfying crunch and the tomato pasta and wholewheat pasta are my faves! This has been a habit that I’ve had ever since I’ve had teeth and people are always surprised that I haven’t damaged my teeth doing this. I enjoy pasta cooked too!
Milk mixed with orange juice looks terrible but tastes like an orange creamsicle.
That’s a very popular drink here in the Dominican Republic, probably in Puerto Rico and Cuba too, you have to know the trick so the milk and orange juice mix well tho. It’s called “morir soñando” (which means “to die dreaming” in Spanish) look it up if you feel like to.
What’s the trick?
I honestly don’t know since I’ve never done it myself, would have to ask my mom or something.
Yeah dude, ask her.
Ask her
Yeah, it’s pretty good, especially in the summer time.
On topic for the thread, the way I make it has pretty much always gotten a “WTF are you trying to feed me?” look from Dominicans. Okay, more of an “Ay dios mío, este muchacho” eye roll and a “¿Qué es este menjunje que tu tá inventando allí?” from them, if I’m being honest. For the ones I’ve gotten to actually try it, though, they all agree it’s pretty good.
I have the usual mix of milk and orange juice, add in some sweetened, condensed milk, vanilla extract, and then I add jam/preserves instead of just sugar. I’m partial to cherry preserves, but if chinola jam were a thing I could get here, I’d probably just stick with that. Toss it in a blender with some flaked ice, and 30 seconds later, you’re that much closer to developing diabetes. Depending on the sort of night I’m having, I might toss in some spiced rum, too.
Mother of the groom gave an impromptu speech at the reception about how her son is like milk and orange juice. It was as meandering as it was long.
My wife’s dad held a 15 minute speech about South American partisans and guerillas at my wedding. No one knew what he was trying to say, and my wife’s bridesmaid pulled him from the stage before he was finished.
Is he from South America?
No, he’s German and has never been to South America.
The groom looked like chunky vomit?
Quite the opposite, but maybe his mom feels like she just drank milk and orange juice when she sees her son? I suppose we’ll never know for sure.
Add a little vanilla, and yeah, that’s a Creamsicle!
Or, blend frozen OJ, milk, ice, and a bit of vanilla extract and you’ve basically got an Orange Julius. (Do those places still even exist…?)
Top tip: add in some powdered sugar. In addition to adding some sweetness, powdered sugar has cornstarch in it which will act as a thickener making for a more unctuous mouthfeel
That’s just an orange julius