Well Lemmyverse, how did he do?

    • airrowOPM
      5 months ago

      “so it’s already a foregone conclusion the vaccines were bad and no longer newws”?

      • Hobbes_Dent@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        If and when there’s a more dangerous pandemic - and that could be real soon - shit like this will very likely go down as directly contributing to the deaths of countless people. Millions.

        That’s the historical legacy of this and those who promote it will be part of that particular Wikipedia citation.

        • airrowOPM
          5 months ago

          I mean, people already think the careless advocacy of mandated lockdowns and “vaccines” has killed and impoverished many, leading to history books being written to that effect of being ashamed of those who did and continue to do so

          Also, I think if there was an obvious pandemic that people would have to take more serious measures and the things like masking would just be replaced by social distancing / quarantining entirely

          • Hobbes_Dent@lemmy.world
            5 months ago

            People think a lot of things.

            People know that vaccines save lives on a global scale.

            This isn’t a debate nor my-side vs. science. It’s ignorance, harm, and malice to posit that these opinions should be considered equal.

            The people who dedicated their lives to this started earning the right to guide public health long ago when they paid attention in school.

      • pleasejustdie@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        No, its just that VAERS is for reporting everything that happens around a vaccine so that the reports can be investigated to determine if there is a link between the report and the vaccine. In most of cases, the investigation turns up no link between the vaccine and the issue. The reason why this doesn’t make news was because it was debunked years ago when it was being spread around by right-wing pundits who, like you, didn’t bother to actually lookup what VAERS is for and how it works.

        For Example: If you bought a burger at burger king and then got into a car accident. If there was VAERS for car accidents it would be reported that you had burger king before getting in the car accident. That doesn’t mean the burger caused the car accident, just that you had a burger then had a car accident. However if 10,000 reports came in of burgers being eaten then people getting into car accidents, it shows a trend that the FDA can investigate. And maybe they would discover that burger king put hallucinogenic in their burgers, but its far more likely that what they discover is people aren’t paying attention because they are driving with a burger in their mouth. As such the system will show a possible link between burger king and car accidents, when in reality people are just shitty drivers.

        In the end, the number of actual deaths that could be contributed to a Covid vaccine in the US could be counted on 1 hand. The J&J vaccine had a very very small chance (like 0.000001%) that people with a pre-existing condition could have heart palpitations. And 3 people died of that before it was known. After it was known they discovered what signs to look for and bit of a muscle relaxer, like ibuprofen, was enough to prevent death, which means that its still 99.99999% less likely to die from the vaccine than from Covid. And the J&J vaccine was the one made with the old non-MRNA vaccine. There were 0 reported deaths actually linked to the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines. But there are thousands of VAERS entries, because that’s literally what VAERS is for. Report everything no matter how minute or unrelated it may be so the FDA can actually find the 0.0000001% of cases where there is an actual unknown adverse reaction and take steps to prevent that in the future.

        • airrowOPM
          5 months ago

          I think they’re asserting correlation here is indeed a signal that there was causation; I suppose people are free to debate about if such causation exists, but then also free to reject the “vaccines” as experimental and possibly damaging