Lean into this and always have a lengthy, detailed presentation ready to go at the drop of a hat. Just an absolute knowledge vomit.
They’ll do this once and never again.
Comes through the door with a projector and sets up a slideshow
I’ve always heard the worst thing about a scientist is that they won’t shut up if you ask them about what’s going on in their field.
So petty. I love it.
For some reason I thought someone had edited this picture and changed the people in it. I was wrong but since I spent so long going thru my archives to find it I thought I’d share
I will not answer further questions about this picture
Leftmost kid has the same expression as the kid from an older meme. Is it the same person?
absolute perfection, no notes.
This picture gives me happiness
I love it!
My brother and I are in the US but different states, and our parents and sister are in the Philippines. During a rare reunion, we recreated several of our old family photos from the '70s and '80s. It was so funny, especially when my 45-year-old brother tried to sit on my mom’s lap.
If that’s your family in the photo, you guys have got to try recreating it as grown-ups. 😁