Meme, photo of something, whatever! Bonus points if you’re brave enough to share it.
Scan of a print photograph from, I want to say 1985? 1986? Something like that. My grandparents cat losing her damn mind because a fly got in the house.
lol mine is also a cat! Its of my 14 year old Kaya when she was 4 or 5 months old.
I love this lmao, that’s such a good picture
A classic, thats fantastic
I tend to keep my phone’s photo reel fairly empty to stay under Apple’s free limit for backups.
But this photo has been with me for a few years:
It is a photo of Arlanda airport, the busiest airport in Sweden, taken at about 08:00 on a workday during the early stages of the pandemic.
I had to go on a domestic trip to set up a computer for a VIP at an external location, and had to fly.
It was such a bizzare experience that I had to take a few photos…
February 2011.
A screenshot I took for whatever reason in 2006, it’s quite a relic.
I wish websites were still laid out like this
So much nostalgia in that screenshot
Wow. I love it.
Avast antivirus spinning icon 😀 Ah memories!
My now-deceased cat.
Wtf is that
the oldest pic on my phone. I cleared it off about a month ago, take it or leave it.
That’s Batman
Sleep Paralysis Demon
This is on my phone. I will post again tomorrow from my computer.
Impromptu memorial on Las Vegas Blvd less than a week after the shooting in 2017. I was attending a conference that week, which they chose not to reschedule, because ‘we can’t let terrorism win!’
It was an eerie feeling being there so soon after.
I still want one
March 14, 1999.
It appears to be the first photo I took on my Sony Mavica camera - the one you put a floppy disk in.
I think it was in the car park at the back of RetraVision in Bourke, NSW, Australia.
Camera still works.
the quality is really quite good for that era and storage media.
My guitar <3 photo from 2012
Moisturize me