I’ve known since I was a kid that I’m depressed. I even have infant photos of me, where I look like I just hate life. Other baby photos the baby is smiling, and interested in everything. Whereas I look like even though I’m too young to even have thoughts, I’m still giving off body language of “leave me alone”.

But when I started asking everyone I knew if they too were depressed, I haven’t gotten one single person to say that they’re happy. Everyone has said they’re depressed. So now I wonder if it’s a regional thing, or if everyone everywhere is depressed.

  • ripcord@lemmy.world
    30 days ago

    Nearly everyone close to me is not depressed.

    Hope things get better for you. Most likely they will.

  • Fondots@lemmy.world
    30 days ago

    Clinically, no.

    Do I have occasional feelings of sadness, anxiety, ennui, helplessness, despair, lack of motivation, etc, and do bad things happen in my life?

    Yes, absolutely, that’s a part of being human.

    Am I happy?

    Well that’s a more complicated question than it may seem.

    Am I totally satisfied with every aspect of my life and the world around me as it is now and where it seems to be going?

    No, not by a longshot.

    Is my situation “good enough” for now, does it seem like things will improve for me, do my good days outnumber the bad, am I overall enjoying life and looking forward to hopefully many more years of it, am I able to spend time with people I love, in places I want to be, doing things I like and want to do?

    Overall, yes. Not that there isn’t plenty of room for things to improve for me and lots of things that I would change if I could but I can’t, but I’m getting enough of the things I want out of life that I can say that overall I’m happy.

  • miseducator@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Where’d you grow up where everyone is depressed? Detroit? I kid, Detroiters. Y’all got some things going on.

    But naw; not depressed and don’t know too many depressed people.

  • Atrichum@lemmy.world
    29 days ago

    I remember just giving up on life in second grade, refusing to participate or do anything because I was sad. Got tested a bunch after that and given pills that mad me a zombie.

    There on out I was treated as a weird kid and that brought a different kind of sadness. Puberty added anger and suicidal ideation. The knowledge that I was fucked up, the world was fucked up, and my life wasn’t going to work out.

    Years later here I am, living with the knowledge I was right and watching myself fail at life, finding no joy or peace in anything. Everything is an open sore. Wondering when I’ll get to a point where I rage quit.

    I think most of the people I know are anxious or depressed, or both. Hut I don’t know of anyone close to me who is at my level.

  • Chocrates@lemmy.world
    30 days ago

    I’m the proud owner of “treatment resistant depression”, so yes. I’ve been sad my whole life but I started having suicidal ideation in my late 20’s.

    I have a therapist and a psychiatrist so I am medicated and working on it.

    Depressions sucks, but the SSRIs that I am on have wiped out my anxiety. It’s like I am a completely new person. I can go grocery shopping without nearly panicking. Somehow I found an (ex) wife before I was medicated but dating is now not quite as painful.

    But yeah, I still have varying levels of bad days and I don’t know what happy actually means for me.

  • Buglefingers@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    I think I just crave an IRL connection tbh. Both of my close friends recently (1 yr ago) moved further away so I only get to see them a few times a year now. My social life has been obliterated. That makes me sad :(

    Also yes, the world seems unstable right now but there ain’t much I can do, so I just have to learn to let it go.

  • Zarxrax@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    I am not depressed, and I don’t think I have ever been (outside of maybe a few days or weeks of sadness when tragic things occurred, but I don’t think that would be classified as depression).

    Am I happy? I think so. Maybe it’s more of a contentedness?

    I don’t really think of most of the people around me as depressed either. But maybe it’s just that they hide it, or maybe it’s just that I don’t see it due to my own outlook.

  • QuarterSwede@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Definitely not depressed now. I have been when working at a job that drained all my energy every day for years but even then I don’t have clinical depression (which is not normal for humans).

    Currently doing well financially and in my family life. I have a great, supportive wife, great kids who are excelling, and a job I very much enjoy and that business is doing well.

    I don’t allow outside forces (like politics) to make me sad. Instead I use that energy to do what I can to help those around me and make a very real and tangible difference. Helping others is very satisfying in a way nothing else is.

    Do what you can to help your neighbors. It only takes one to make a difference and then others will start doing the same. Be the leader. Change your community.

  • Dr. Wesker@lemmy.sdf.org
    1 month ago

    I’m not depressed.

    That’s not to say I don’t have periods where I need to allow myself to withdraw to process deep hardship or grief. However, I am capable of escaping it once I get sick of my own wallowing. Luckily, this typically only happens every handful of years.

    Otherwise, I’m pretty content.

    “Happiness” isn’t a sustainable state of mind. Contentment can be.

  • pi49mhsbh@feddit.rocks
    30 days ago

    Reason for my depression : Life sucks and I knew it, from my childhood.

    I feel better: When I am too busy to think about it. For now, work and family occupies my time mostly. I smile ( = cry ) when I see same depression pattern for my kid.

    Imo, you should actively change your situation ( see a doc, have a hobby etc… more importantly, find positive in even small things )

  • hightrix@lemmy.world
    29 days ago

    Not depressed nor are most people around me.

    Sorry. I hope you find someone to talk to or some other way to cope.

  • seaQueue@lemmy.world
    30 days ago

    Are you depressed?


    Do you know anyone who’s not depressed?

    The only happy people I know are wealthy and/or have wealthy parents (usually both, I’ll call wealthy a NAV >$10M) and have never needed to struggle.

    • MutilationWave@lemmy.world
      29 days ago

      I don’t know a single person worth 10 million or anywhere close, if you don’t count my boss’s boss and up. I’m curious where you live.

  • JigglySackles@lemmy.world
    29 days ago

    There is depression and then there is clinically diagnosed depression. The two are not the same. Self diagnosis can only go so far and has a high likelihood of being wrong. The latter is not as common to have.