Games you only need your hands and other players to play.

We all know rock paper scissors, thumbwars and chopsticks but I’m looking for niche.

There’s many obscure or local ones that get passed down through generations or shared around the playground and I’d love to learn something new.

    5 days ago

    whats the one called, maybe hot hands? one person puts out both hands palm up and the other person puts both hands on top of them palm down. the bottom person tries to quickly slap a hand of the top person, while the top person tries to avoid the hand slap. once a slap connects, they switch sides. pro-tip: remove hand jewelry first.

    another one that might not count is paper football, as it needs a table and a triangular folded piece of paper. one player tries to slide the paper so that it stops partially off the table without falling off. if it does then they take a field goal flick in the air shot while the opponent makes goal posts with their hands together.

    another one that might not count needs a table and 3 coins is table soccer. flick slide one coin between the other two until in scoring range, then the opponent makes a goalpost and goalie hand formation with 2 pinkies and an index finger. a successful shot on goal can hurt the knucles.

      5 days ago

      I’ve only played a version of the first where the bottomperson has to tickle the palms of the top person. That way you can like play around with faking slap attenpts by stopping for an instant but not slap, or varying the tickle speed. Adds another dimension to it.

    5 days ago

    Kind of a fast action rock paper scissors we call shoot-load-shield. Maybe people called it 007

    Two players face each other, tap twice in their lap or on a table with both hands, then have to choose an action:

    Load - point thumbs over your shoulder. This loads your weapon

    Shoot - make double pistol hands toward your opponent. This fires your weapon

    Shield - crossed arms in front of your chest. This blocks your opponents shot.

    You have to load before you can shoot, and if you shoot you have to reload. Most people load first round since you are both unloaded to begin with.

    To incentivize not just shielding every turn, you can play with the rule that if you load six rounds without shooting, you get a shield penetrating bullet. But we rarely did that because people would shoot just for fun anyway.

    Here’s a video of kids learning to play. Skip to about a minute to see it in full action. We play much faster:

    Side note: looking for a video, a kid had made a tutorial that added “reflector” that bounces your opponent’s shot back. I like that idea if you have to reload the reflector, too

    5 days ago

    There’s one called Double Tap. Not sure it qualifies, as it requires a table and chairs.

    Everyone places their hands in front of the person sitting to each side. That is, you’ll have your right neighbor’s left hand to the left of your right hand, and vice versa.

    The starting direction is clockwise. The goal is for each hand at the table to tap sequentially. Someone taps a hand, and the hand to the left of it (ie. clockwise) has to tap and so on. It’s a bit confusing, because everyone has arms crossed with each other and the hands in front of you aren’t yours.

    Instead of tapping once, you can choose to double tap, which changes the direction (clockwise to counter-clockwise, or vice versa).

    If someone messes up, that hand is removed from the table (all others remain where they are). Last person (or two or three) remaining wins.

        • droning_in_my_ears@lemmy.worldOP
          5 days ago

          Sure. It’s better with 4 or more players.

          At first every player is assigned a number. Then one person starts.

          They say “I went to the market with (another player’s number)”. That player has to quickly respond “Why with (their number)?”. The first player says “Then with what?”, they say “With (any other player’s number)”.

          For example: 1 says “I went to the market with 2”. 2 has to say “Why with 2?”. 1 has to say “Then with what?”, 2 says “With 4”. 4 has to respond “Why with 4?” and so on so it’s a call and response game.

          Repeat until someone gets confused, makes any mistakes or takes too long to respond. When they do, the person that flustered them gets to assign them a new name. This replaces their number, they have to answer to it and everyone has to use it now. Generally these are insults as this is a rowdy game between friends but of course they can choose whatever they want.

          If someone makes more mistakes after being assigned a nickname you add adjectives to it. Eventually you’ll get things like:

          “I went to the market with fat smelly pig”

          “Why with fat smelly pig?”

          “Then with what?”

          “With arrogant ass”

          And so on.

          After 3 adjectives you’re eliminated and everyone continues until 1 person is left.

          It’s confusing because you gotta keep track of everyone’s names and your own and answer quickly.

  • droning_in_my_ears@lemmy.worldOP
    5 days ago

    We had 2 games we used to play that I haven’t been able to find online. One I think is common but I just can’t find it, the other is nonsensical and probably super local.