I’d say get back in the shower.
That is making the assumption that pornography and prostitution only exist because people need food and shelter.
The rich porn stars (they do exist) would be a contradiction to this theory.
I agree. For some people, I think pornography and prostitution are their preferred jobs.in your scenario, they would be more empowered to speak up for themselves. Right now, with food and shelter being a concern, people may not always feel comfortable turning jobs down.
Nah, if I had guaranteed food and shelter I’d be filming pornography all day every day.
Have you ever met a real human? 🙄
You are nieve. Some sex workers enjoy their jobs.
Wow I would have thought if everyone had food and shelter then we would have more pornography, not less. And I’d also wager we would have better quality porn too. Along with better quality of a lot of other things really
“I want a sandwich but i can’t afford one. I guess I’ll go watch porn and hire a prostitute.”
I don’t understand that.