My dad painted me the A bomb site in Dust2 and it looked pretty good so I’m fishing for new ideas 😆
Anything from Journey, but especially at dusk before you jump down into the dark area or the very end
The area with the giant metal tendrils in Horizon Zero Dawn
The Clockwork Mansion in Dishonored 2
Made a comment about journey before I saw yours but yeah, that whole game is a painting
Gonna add Ori to it tho, game is beautiful
Blood Gulch from any of the original Halo Trilogy games.
Of course someone did it
Subnautica has some nice scenery, though for a painting I’d probably go with something like the safe shallows where there’s plenty of sunlight, or maybe the underwater islands or the kelp forest.
MInecraft would have a lot of possibilities, particularly with some of the new terrain generation for mountains as well as the cherry tree biome that was recently added. However, with each world being generated randomly, there’s no definitive scenes that would be instantly identifiable as Minecraft. So you’d have to rely on making the painting sufficiently blocky and/or replicating some of the terrain generation quirks like the occasional floating tree or lava flowing out the side of a hill and things like that.
For minecraft I personally would go for ! The server has some trully stunning builds that are quite distinct in design that they become recognizible.
The players share their world download on server resets so it can be explored and seen from different angles than the usual youtube videos.
Also they would be delighted to see their builds as a paiting.
Anything from Ghost of Tsushima.
Red Dead Redemption 2. Pretty much anywhere.
Oblivion. It kind of already has that paint aesthetic, especially if you choose the setting with the quest where you enter a painting to rescue the painter.
The title screen of Disco Elysium. It kind of looks like a painting alreday.
The landscape when you get out of the first cave in Elden Ring
Here are two that I thought were particularly striking visually.
Brothers a Tale of Two Sons: The site of a battle between giants, where you had to navigate among bodies fifty feet tall.
Alice Madness Returns: The ice level, where you could see sea monsters frozen in the ice. (Ignore the text; I couldn’t find a better screenshot.)
Anything from breath of the Wild or tears of the kingdom.
If you want another CS level,
ItalyInferno has a ton of photogentic spots in both Source and GO. I’m also particularly fond of Lake, but that might be partly the 500 hours of Wingman on the map speaking.Edit: or for Valve games in general, theres the dam from Half Life, Ravenholm or the drained shores from Half-Life 2, or an overgrown chamber from Portal 2.
Did somebody say Inferno?
Green Hill Zone
The first Halo
Anything from RDR2.
Mirror’s Edge