Oh thanks a lot. My new year’s resolution was to quit porn, after seeing the sexy strawberry pop tart lady I immeditely and violently had to go at myself whilst staring into her gorgeous sugar laden eye-tarts.
As someone else on the train, it was disturbing to see.
should have marked it nsfw
You can’t just mark a whole train NSFW
Can’t blame you there. I’d pop that tart.
Some might say this is pop art
And that’s probably the most unique thing I’m going to see this morning with no judgement made one direction or the other.
Who said you could post a pic of my custom real doll
I’m pretty sure those are frosted cherry
I second this observation. The sprinkles appear to be red and the filling is darker than strawberry usually looks.
Krikey, we just found a certified pop tart conessieur out in the wild!
I knew this was coming.
Cherry? At least they went to good use then.
Gr-grab her by the poptart?
Totally understandable, it’s the best poptart flavor
Punctuation still exists.
Gotta be somebodys kink
This might be doing something for me
What SCP is this?
Unfrosted blueberry all the way
Things I was not expecting to see first thing in the morning: number 1…
the perfect woman