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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Gotcha, yeah that’s the best of both worlds then.

    I didn’t mean that you will be in an echo chamber so much as that they will be in an echo chamber because if everybody ignores them then they have nobody left to challenge them. There are a ton of lurkers reading but never or rarely posting or commenting, so I’m mostly challenging bad faith arguments for their benefit. Without challenge, somebody casually reading might just accept that bad faith argument as fact or at least valid. Idk how effective it is, but I’m doing what I can to reduce the radical right wing incel neckbeard population. 🤷‍♂️

  • You’re doing the right thing for your mental health, I think. The only reason I don’t do the same thing is that I want to be aware of how prevalent the toxicity is. It’s pretty easy to wave off fringe stuff as being insignificant only to find that you were in a bubble and that fringe shit has grown really big. And it gets to grow bigger without somebody there to challenge it.

    10% of people believe that the moon landing was fake, the earth is flat, and covid vaccines contained tracking microchips. 10% isn’t the majority or anything, but it’s significantly higher than I would’ve thought. With the habitual defunding of education, increased misinformation and disinformation in media, reduction of in-person interactions with strangers due to online shopping and streaming, and encouragement by algorithms that show people only what they want to see, we’re driving people deeper into echo chambers. We’re forgetting how to respectfully disagree and discuss thoughtfully. We’re backsliding societally to solving problems with our fists. As much as I think Nazis deserve to get punched in the mouth, I think proper discussions would prevent them from becoming Nazis in the first place.

    Fascism is on the rise globally, and part of it is because fascists can find fascists and radicalize people into fascism more easily than ever, and part of it is because it’s easier to ignore fascism than it is to publicly challenge it. Even outside of fascist moderators who will ban those who challenge the ideas in the first place (my ban from r/conservative was a badge of honor when I was on reddit).

    I’m glad you’ve found a way to keep it as a palatable experience. I still have some fight in me, but I’ll probably need to filter some of this garbage out soon.

  • The answer is actually pretty simple. Musk is a man child who doesn’t like criticism. He lives in a bubble. He fires people who disagree with him and listens to anybody who fawns over him. He appeals to the loudest ones he allows himself to hear. That’s why he made that dumbass truck. There’s not actually many people who want that hideous, broken monstrosity, but his worshippers shouted that they wanted a truck.

    He’s also scrambling to get money coming in. Twitter is falling apart. People are starting to wake up and realize that he’s nothing more than a lucky nepo dipshit. To soften his losses, he’s doing a shitload of layoffs and cutting corners wherever he can. Quality is dropping on his products that already had quality issues. Brand recognition and reputation will start to be a net negative factor as a result.

    If he wants to turn Tesla around, musk needs to pivot to producing tech for other car companies and stop making cars themselves.

  • Kernel level anticheat for a few games is the only real speedbump I’m aware of, and it’s only on a couple of game franchises like CoD I think. I would love it a ton of people made the switch and it hurt those games’ companies revenue noticeably enough that they look for a way to moderate cheating without just lazily requiring Windows in order to play online.

    Linux is finally convenient enough to realistically steal swaths of customers from Microsoft, and it’s at the same time that Windows 11 is pissing a ton of people off. We’re in for some strange times.