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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I’m convinced that part of the reason of this over processing is because of streaming. You can compress a movie or show far FAR more when colors are smooth and uniform (I know this from compressing multiple hundreds of movies and TV shows). So now that everyone is “streaming all the things” they have to look for ways to get 4k out the door and to the normal consumer who might only have 100mb internet.

    Edit: not defending it, just sharing my observations as a media enthusiast.

  • I’ll probably get down voted to oblivion, but I remember EVERYONE had the same “I’ll never move” rhetoric with Windows 7, and before that Windows XP. Ya’ll eventually move.

    I’ve moved 3 of my 6 windows boxes from 10 to 11 and it’s not that much different. I just debloat the stuff I don’t want and move on. Even that isn’t different, ya’ll remember nlite? We’ve been ripping crap we didn’t want out of the OS for as long as I can remember.

    Hell, I even remeber getting doublespace.exe off my old dos 5 disks so I could use it on my dos 6 and Windows 3.1.1 install. People who use Windows are just more used to tearing down what they don’t want rather than building up what they do (*nix). Is it harder these days…marginally…is there more to remove…yup. But it’s still the same crap we’ve always done.