Hi-Chew are fucking made with dopamine I swear.
Try Mamba!
Specifically sour mamba in the 4 pack so you get all 4 flavors
They are what Now or Later should have been all along.
They are good, but they take kinda plasticy
Candy Corn. Some people insist they taste like wax, and I’m like, “What?!” I will chew those things all day long.
Lewis Black would like a word. https://youtu.be/o4vVGG_FcvY?si=03k6RlNNn7II4tIY
I can eat a bag per year then I decide I’m done
Albanese gummy bears. If you bring Haribo to a party I’m going to punch you in the stomach.
Getting punched in the stomach after sugar-free Haribo gummy bears is my fetish.
Better finish that off with a nice bag of olestra chips
“ I’m not going over there. Last time I brought gummy bears and he punched me in the stomach.”
“This time I bought sugar free as revenge”
Delete this. Albanese are too soft. Haribo perfected the chewiness.
This is funny to me. I just got told by my co-worker that Albanese is the best gummy candy and way better than everything else. I mentioned Haribo and he was not impressed. I tried the Albanese sour gummy worms and I have to admit were really good.
Starburst Jelly beans. Can literally eat that shit by the bagful I swear.
I didn’t even know these were a thing. Now I’m trying to decide if I should avoid them to avoid getting addicted, or if I should go buy a bag!
Palpatine voice Dew it
Chocolate covered raisins. I will singlehandedly demolish half a pound if I don’t watch it
Omg yogurt covered raisins too
Mmmmm, I forgot about those
Why is every post on here one of the “Security Questions” for my bank?
Oh, wait… I should have made this a post, not a comment?
Hot Tamales. Do you have those in the States?
Yes, they are originally from here.
Hot tamales with popcorn at the movies!
Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs - specifically the ones for Easter. Those things are insanely easy for me to eat 2000 calories of.
Red vines, once I open a bag it’s game over, it will 100% be gone that day. The size of the bag does not matter. The only ones that last longer are the multi-pound tubs.
I’m a Twizzlers guy myself. No one in my family gets it.
I rotate back and forth. Sometimes I’m all about Red Vines then a few months later it will be Twizzlers. Right now, I’m on a Twizzlers kick. But who knows next week I could find myself craving Red Vines again. And I have no idea why.
They are too waxy and it overwhelms the flavor.
Give me a pack of Red Vines and a large popcorn with a blueberry ICEE please.
Do you bite off both ends of the Red Vine and use it as a straw. Good times.
Yep, it gets pretty slimy though.
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I like to use Red Vines as edible straws for mountain dew. The flavors just mesh so well
Hmmm maybe Girl Scout Thin Mints
I’m usually more of a savory guy. I’ll fucking eat all the sharp cheddar cheese and salty crackers
Haribo gummy bears
Don’t bring them to their house, they’ll punch you. Really hoping this link to another comment in the thread works.
Literally anything from Aldi. Every single sweet they sell there is amazing, stupidly cheap, bafflingly well made.
Outside of that, Easter egg reese’s pieces eggs. They have a way better ratio of peanut butter to candy shell than the little bits.
reese’s pieces
Hell yeah fam. I was gonna say that I never did crack and would honestly not know since I’ve done other drugs and I wouldn’t bother comparing unless it’s compared to the concept of sugar.
But Reese’s is the shit and Reese’s Pieces is my shit. I love eating it. You can put it in the fridge and it is fire. I even still like that mc chris song about Reese’s Pieces and he has serious mental problems now.
Sour patch kids for me.
I’ve discovered that the temperature affects how good sour patch kids are way more than you’d expect. They’re best soft, in the summer.
I wouldn’t turn down any temperature, but you are SOOOOO right!