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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • The best part is when they claim that compatibility of family and job is important to them but all that translates to is “we need more childcare institutions”. Like, I don’t need a place where I can dump my toddler for 9 hours, I need a job where I can work 4 hours, have an ok pay and the prospect of advancing despite being at work for only a couple of hours

  • YES God yes. Sometimes I specifically crave frozen pizza and no delivery pizza or restaurant pizza would fulfill the desire. It can be the other way around, too, I might crave delivery or restaurant pizza. But mostly, if I want pizza, I want the frozen stuff. It’s good. It doesn’t overdo the cheese/fat or toppings, the size is better, it is more predictable, the crust is must better. There’s just something about frozen pizza. 9 out of 10 times I prefer it.

  • Absolutely feel you. We have a 2.5 year old, she’s not in kindergarten yet, and what I get are micro breaks and I want to be like my husband who can just read Zelensky’s biography or a buddhist book for 5-15 minutes (his breaks are not as micro as mine) and have the concentration - or accept the lack thereof - to read. Sometimes he plays guitar with us in the room. Or does mini yoga sessions (like, 1 exercise for 2-3 minutes).

    I, too, struggle without reddit in the microbreaks. Especially when breastfeeding because our girl kicks away books or magazines I basically only have my phone. What I can tell you is that lemmy got more instances so check out more communities and keep adding. It can help but yes it’s no reddit. Tbh I’ve been wanting to go back to reddit for ages, I just never get around to installing it again. I also check out a news app and read wikipedia articles. Did you know that giant deer were a thing and that Einstein was kind of an asshole in relationships? Light reading and you get into a draft where you end up with 100 tabs open to read that wait for you. This probably sounds whelp but it is really kinda addictive and fun, you can gain some knowledge and understanding or at least conversation topics.

    Since you are probably not breastfeeding (I GUESS) try the magazine thing. Something light might do. There’s been a great family/parenting focused magazine in Germany but it has been discontinued.

    I am also going to start trying to knit. My guess is that it won’t work because my toddler will take the needles and yarn the second she sees them but Idk how your kids are.

    I’ve also been going to some playgroups and it’s always recommended to not cater to the kids and “just let them watch” or “integrate” or “play in parallel” to you doing stuff like household. I personally ask myself what kind of kids people have that this approach would work most of the time. But if this works for your family try filling the breaks with household stuff that maybe the kids can, as mentioned above, watch, join, or parallel play to. Clean a window, fix a hole in a shirt. Leaves you with less chores and tasks and if you’re lucky you can shut off your brain for a while. That’s the proclaimed ideal.

    At the end of the day, lemmy isn’t reddit, and reddit kept us well entertained in these micro breaks. I absolutely feel you and I also don’t want to be a parent who pretends phones and media don’t exist or that I don’t use them. But I think we should have some stuff to do to fill the microbreaks with besides our phones. Like, man, I cannot give you any advice but we can brainstorm together if you want. Because I also want more enjoyable breaks, as well as spend less time looking at a screen in these - for my own health and for my child, she should see that I can fill my time not only with these screen induced dopamine kicks.

  • I disagree, I think the Valentine’s day poem - as a retrospect of years spent together - should have ups and downs. It already has the sadness of the sick baby girl for example, whether she made it or not. Even if she died - she lived (at least for a brief moment in time) and her existence was significant for the couple. She should be mentioned as she is still part of their family and probably they still love her and think about her, even if she is not with them anymore. So it would make sense to me to include it either way. A bond that survived a loss like this should be celebrated.

    That being said, I also sincerely hope it’s her who posts this.