I don’t read my replies

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • The problem isn’t that we pet birds, it’s that we eat them. Or more specifically we gather them in huge, unsanitary populations in close contact with humans as they are raised and slaughtered.

    This reminds me of how people think AIDS spread from other primates through bestiality, when bushmeat was the correct answer. I guess it’s easier to imagine bestiality than the consequences of carnism.

    *not vegan, Just finding it harder and harder to dismiss them.

  • Blood Meridian by Cormac Mccarthy.

    It’s kinda hard to describe. I recon it’s a parable about American colonization and the genocide of the native people. Like a map of how a project like that gets done and who benefits from it.

    It’s like a melodrama in that it’s light on plot, and character motivation, but without the extreme circumstances unless you count the pervasive, persistent, and senseless violence. (that the characters themselves barely seem to notice) Not exactly a supernatural tale, but filled with dream logic, oh and the literal Christian Devil is one of the main characters.

    This is the only book Ive ever read twice, back to back. I got to the end and was like WTF, turned to the first page and started again.

  • yesman@lemmy.worldtohmmm@lemmy.worldHmmm
    2 months ago

    I feel like the people most affected by paywalls, i.e. people who read their news, are already pretty well informed.

    There’s plenty of access to quality journalism, more than ever, the problem is that no amount of quality or availability can compete with misinformation tailored to addict, comfort, and flatter it’s audience. You can’t inform people against their will.