btw trump doesn’t come up with these ideas himself; he has thinktanks and conservative thought leaders giving him ideas and suggestions.
If we stop thinking about what what he is doing from a “he thinks this good for the country” viewpoint and start thinking about it from a “he thinks this is good for Donald Trump” viewpoint it all makes sense.
It isn’t even that. He is just going senile and is surrounded by a bunch opportunists and basically just repeats whatever the last person said to him. The increasing simple (it was Always simple but seems to be getting worse) language he uses sounds like someone with dementia if you have ever encountered someone with it.
Fuck off with this shit! Trump isn’t insane; he’s dangerous and we will lose and die if we keep underestimating him!
Maybe I’m going on a rant today; but a big problem too is that many of his critics still somewhat normalize him, because of his office and unconscious respect given to that.
I understand his followers and the billionaire controlled press do pretend this is all too sane and normal. And they have their reasons for that.
But to treat him as anything else but a dangerous, perhaps lethal, clown is a horrible mistake that maybe cannot be undone later.
People often speak of former governments being supported by those who obey authority too much; and this is yet another example, even by many of the critics of such governance. Who will still legitimatize this in some way. No good will happen is such criticism does not change
Fully agree. I hate these clickbait articles that for example say“Here is why Trump wants to annex Canada as the 51st state” to proceed explaining me about Canada’s strategic location and it’s mineral resources.
No Trump does not have a rational idea about why he wants to annex Canada, beyond “it looks nice on the map”, and all the mineral wealth in the world does not make up for the cost of antagonising your closest ally.
These ideas are all completely bonkers. You may have discovered a rational justification, but 1. Trump is not a rational actor, and 2. The justification is always insufficient to cover the damage it does to the US, and the world.
Been saying this for awhile. The media created this monster and has continually bolstered a better reputation for him than he deserves. I’ve no doubt this man has physical and mental ailments that absolutely compromise his ability to hold office, and probably has for some time. Unless someone in the know speaks up we’ll probably just have to wait for him to keel over and die to know for sure.
People in the know have spoken up. They get ignored.
Short of Putin deciding he’s done with him, nothing will change.
Eh, there can be as many theories and rational thoughts as possible but the fact remains that Americans are passive, nothing will change and the people taking action know this. They just pushed full steam ahead and there’s almost no resistance. The people who are already in government and stand to lose power are doing what they can to fight but the general population is just online sending crying emojis, repeating their latest buzzwords (did “a suit without a man” fade away yet?) and getting their feelings of accomplishment online.
It’s bizarre to see a country like the USA be so passive. Absolutely amazing.
I used to see many people socializing outside: adults and kids. Now, 4 decades later I only see kids under 12 hang outside. I noticed people from Europe coming here expressing surprise of streets empty of pedestrians.
At the same time, I witnessed less places and businesses where people can be together, less attendance at both bars, school sports and churches - and the decline of local politics, grassroots and community activism.
I can’t help but think all these are related to what you say here
Bowling Alone by Robert Putnam. Community has been on a slow decline in America since 1965. The combination of an increasingly isolated population and a 24-hour propaganda news cycle aimed to pit you against your neighbor has been a wild success.
Also fighting for survival with multiple jobs pretty much kills the inventive for anything social on your rare free time
Don’t characterize him as insane. Characterize him and his ilk as calculated psychopaths. Do not let them get away with an insanity defense at the next Nuremberg Trials.
Dementia, insanity and morally devoid are not mutually exclusive you can indeed be a demented psychopath who happens to be devoid of morality and potentially insane.
He’s doing exactly what Putin wants.
And Putin wants chaos in the West.
No, he’s following orders from Putin
Putin actually struggles to predict the actions of Trump’s administration, which complicates ties.
Trump approved of two major arms sales to Ukraine during his last presidency. The latter sale in spring 2018 even included Javelin anti-tank missiles. Even Obama refused to conduct such action against Putin. The Trump administration even trained Ukrainian troops.
Putin doesn’t control Trump.
Or to quote someone else,
“He’s arrogant, he won’t listen to anyone, he doesn’t know how to make a deal, and tries to cover up his shortcomings and insecurities by lying about everything. He’s a petulant ten year old.
The Russians have know this for years. They’ve known about him ever since the Brighton Beach crowd started going to Atlantic City to launder their money in his casinos, where they saw how dependent Trump was on their business.”
I keep seeing opinion pieces like this, but I remain unconvinced. Sure, if his sincerely held intention was to do anything at all positive for the US and its allies, his actions would read as insane. But if he actively, deliberately desires to harm and destabilize both, then he’s going about it the right way. Screw Hanlon’s razor: stupidity is inadequate to explain any of this.
If he just wanted to destroy the US, he’d be more subtle about it. I’m not saying he doesn’t want to do that, but he’s simply incapable of doing anything well. He’s as comically unqualified for the job as it’s possible to be. Literally any person, animal or inanimate object could do a better job than him.
If he just wanted to destroy the US, he’d be more subtle about it.
(Emphasis mine)
Like hell! That fucker is literally incapable of being subtle!!
No. Fuck no, in fact. He’s not calling the shots. Whether he’s suffering from dementia or not, he’s a fucking idiot. His craven levels of stupidity also happen to reinforce his malignant narcissism, but that’s a whole other thing.
No, he’s intentionally not being subtle to run our faces in it, even though it’s extremely doubtful he even understands that there’s a master plan. In fact, he’s probably at least dimly aware that Daddy Putin has a plan, but he doesn’t care cause now he gets to be king.
Point is, he’s both malicious and dumber than a bag of rocks.
If he just wanted to destroy the US, he’d be more subtle about it.
Why should he bother being subtle? Fucking look around! Do you really think his current strategy isn’t working well enough?!
I’m too stupid to get in trouble needs to stop being a get out jail free card.
25th Amendment, babe.
And who’s going to enact that? They all fully support him.
“Never let them know your next move” kind of mad lib style president
Doesn’t take a genus to figure a method or motivation for that matter.
WWPW: what would putin want.
That simple. Burn the country down and sell the ashes. Burn bridge’s with old allies while forging alliance’s with our old enemies. Solidify fascistic oligarchy at all costs, retain power.
I keep reminding everyone that wants to have this debate … Trump is already a known idiot
The insane ones are the American government and it’s people who just passively accept all this and a good percentage even join in on it.
Trump is indeed insane … but he is only the fine tip of a nation of insane people.
Microplastics making everyone dumber I bet.
he’s “boiling the frog” too quickly, which will lead to Vance using the 25th to “restore normalcy” allowing MAGA to continue destroying the country, just a little more quietly.
Nope, no one in the Republican party has the balls to do it and why would they when Trump is giving them everything they want? There’s no going back now, he broke rules that weren’t made to be broken. Also in case you forgot NOTHING a Alzheimer’s president does is illegal now. We have lost any sort of way of getting rod of him because our entire country is spineless.
Dementia, not alzheimers. And there’s definitely still a way to get rid of him.
There’s no normal, and there never was.
Trump is doing exactly what the people who put him there want him to do. Imagine you wanted to rob a bank, and you managed to acheive the ability to unlease Godzilla on the city. He’ll knock the bank building down, opening the vault for you to plunder, and keep emergency services too busy to stop you. You could loot the entire city, and when it’s over, buy the decimated land for cheap and get the government to pay you to rebuild it. There’s literally no downside to you, because all the harm is done to other people.
Specifically, is a narcissist and a a psychopath.
I can’t read the article. I’m sure Trump has mental issues, but he’s got an entire cabinet, other advisors, and a shadow president behind him. There are reasons behind what they’re doing.