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Well this is absolutely frightening in so much that Trump is going to force his way into Canada via military operations by claiming fentanyl as a weapon of mass destruction.
Anyone remember the Bush Administration and WMDs they said were there but never were?
Elbows up Canuck’s. The time to prepare is most likely closer than we think.
This is how he creates cassus belli to invade Canada.
Maybe it’s just me, but I really don’t think sarin gas and strong opiates are same-same.
I dunno if anybody has been to a hospital in recent times, but it sure isn’t sarin in that IV after surgery…
Calling a drug a WMD.
War on Drugs 2.0.
And that really worked out great, didn’t it?
For the prison industrial complex, yes. Yes it did.
The hysteria over fentanyl is insane. The fact that cops act like they’re going to die from just barely touching the stuff and this is taken seriously is Idiocracy tier.
The opioid epidemic is because the Sackler family and Purdue made money from convincing doctors that opioids weren’t addictive - as in, the epidemic traces back to a letter to the editor that suggested that opioids weren’t addictive and was taken at face value as encouraged by the pharm industry.
The fentanyl shit is a distraction. People don’t typically seek out fentanyl, they seek out substitutes for opioids that they often became addicted to legally, with the full encouragement of the medical industry.
Beyond that, there’s a serious refusal to take pain seriously in the medical community which leads to people looking to self-medicate. (Like, just this year it’s finally standard practice to offer painkillers during IUD insertion - lots of us were told that it wouldn’t hurt/there weren’t nerves there. Yeah, forcing sharp shit through a cervix hurts.)
The opioid epidemic is horrific and tragic, but it’s not the fault of the cartels - they’re just reaching for their cut.
Very small quantities of fentanyl are used to cut/enhance other drugs, often without the knowledge of the consumer, thus making them more potent/addictive.
Yes - so the problem is not fentanyl itself, but the addiction crisis. It’s being used to cut heroin. Many rural/poor people in the early naughts in shitty, physically demanding jobs developed issues with pain. They received opioids, which were given out like candy, because the thriving secondary market for oxy and perc’s is profitable, and the Sackler’s were making money off it.
Which causes mega problems. States sue, feds investigate. Then, the pendulum swings overnight. Many people who legitimately needed the pain management from opioids were abruptly caught off. Many people who got addicted after going on them after a work injury or bout with illness were also not really given the tools to deal with what they were experiencing - remember, doctors were told they weren’t addictive, so that’s what they were telling their patients too.
Fentanyl is stronger than horse, so it’s great to cut with. Obviously you want to make money, so you can sell less heroin for more money if you add a bit of fentanyl to it (I do not believe that they are sneaking it into weed, that’s the kind of weird copaganda hysteria shit - but certainly party drugs)
It’s a monster that was created by both intentional evil and negligence. The hysteria over fentanyl the drug exists to cover up the true narrative underneath here.
Like, by no means is fentanyl not scary - fentanyl test kits should be available everywhere and from a harm reduction standpoint I don’t think there’s really anything other than “don’t do fentanyl, like even more than don’t do opioids don’t do fucking fentanyl” - but the hysteria over the form of the demon hides its source.
The problem is actually the Drug War where clearly drugs have won.
The whole point of the drug war is to have something to nail political targets anyway. The Nixon aide quote about pot and crack to get people against the war and black folks is kinda old hat by now.
Heroin and cocaine were widespread as fuck before they were made illegal. Think about all those patent medicines. People have never stopped doing drugs, but when you make something almost everyone does illegal you give cops the opportunity on who to enforce it on.
Having the “war” narrative, getting the media to air hysterical stories about crack babies and now fentanyl and demonizing anyone who sells or uses drugs, helps them justify the shiny new Bearcats that they will happily turn on us when we get sick of whatever the fuck Elon/Trump are doing.
This is not to say that opioid use is good. But opioid use is a public health issue and an issue of failing social services and not a moral/crime issue. People with substance use issues use because there are insufficient medical or mental health services, because there is no hope for improving one’s life in some situations, because it helps you tolerate things that you have to do but don’t want to do.
Fentanyl isn’t even coming in from Canada. These are just more lies as a pretext for aggression.
Yes, because words have no meaning and can be declared to mean anything the orange turd wants…
What’s next, declaring drag queens to be an invasive species? Adding trans people to the Schedule 1 list of controlled substances? Redefining conflict of interest to mean any transaction that doesn’t line Trump’s or Musk’s pockets? Fucking hell America, fucking hell…
No joke, I’ve heard talk of putting HRT meds on the Schedule list
Jesus fucking Christ, for real? I try to come up with purposefully exaggerated and completely ridiculous analogies, and this bloody administration still one-ups me with insanity…
thats the point - make things so mind-fuckingly insane that we just throw up our hands and walk away. look at the selection of people for directorships… each one is more fucking mental than the last. pure, unadulterated gaslighting.
So here’s the thing… Fentanyl is a crisis, and the amount it takes to kill someone is MINISCULE.
For example, there was this seizure locally:
ELEVEN POUNDS of fentanyl.
To give you some idea, that’s 4,990 grams. A fatal dose can be as little as 2mg (depending on body size, resistance, etc.).
So that comes out to be around 2,495,000 fatal doses in just ONE seizure.
2 pounds:
6 pounds:
50(!) pounds:
And that’s just locally…
But… and a big but… it’s not coming from Canada. Or even from Mexico. It’s coming THROUGH Mexico, but the sources are largely gangs from Honduras.
I’m sure fentanyl is dangerous and all, but does anyone believe Tru mp cares about people who might be hurt?
lol, no. He’s trying to declare martial law.
And invade the USA’s neighbors.
Oh good. That means we must invade Mexico because so much comes over the border. And of course this means we must attack China to defend ourselves against their WMDs. Canada is the least of our (already not really) fentanyl problem, but of course Trump will seek to justify invasion that way.
At this point I only wish those rock chewers would just be honest. Just tell everyone you invade Canada “just because” in a war of naked aggression. That’s en vogue anyway.
Edit: Canadians, take a shovel and start digging trenches along the entire border. 3 trenches deep, with extra circular ones around cities and logistic hubs. Place explosives on all bridges near the border. Change the location of your mobile AA systems, every 3-4 days. All of this can be done without conscription or rationing to increase weapons manufacturing and might be enough to have Canada be considered too difficult to invade without horribly losses. Plus it would be an amazing statement of rejection towards America in general and Trump specifically. Peace time is over, start digging.
Canadians, take a shovel and start digging trenches along the entire border. 3 trenches deep, with extra circular ones around cities and logistic hubs. […] All of this can be done without conscription
I think you may be somewhat unfamiliar with just how vast that border is. It’s the longest international border in the world, 8,891 kilometers (5,525 miles) long.
If the Americans really do invade we’ll be defending via means other than World War I era trenchworks.
Just build a wall. Make America pay for it.
Fuck. Our country is invading Mexico, aren’t they?
Canada, probably. They’ve been ramping up the “fentanyl coming from Canada” bullshit for weeks now.
I think it’s more likely this is going to be used as more pretext for cancelling trade deals
Invading canada would go so incredibly poorly for the US, it’d be political suicide for Trump.
The fastest way to end your political career for right wingers is get troops killed, unironically.
A big part of what triggered the left swing after bush was troops dying in Iraq, it’s the biggest way to nuke your popularity amongst right wing nutobs.
My main concern would be that Trump et al are drinking their own kool-aid and genuinely think they’d be “welcomed as liberators” if they invaded Canada. They’ve certainly made it sound that way, talking about how awesome it’d be for us as their “cherished” 51st state, with all that great American healthcare and whatnot.
The invasion would turn brutally bloody instantly, but some of that blood would be Canadian so I’d rather not get to that point.
And/or Canada, Greenland and Panama. They’re casting about for any excuse. Fuck the new Nazis.