If so, why?
Socialism doesn’t just seem like a good idea, it’s pretty much the only possible future that doesn’t end up with 99% of humanity suffering horribly.
The idea of everyone being able to work to make the means to survive has a rapidly approaching shelf life, most companies won’t employ humans over whatever tech is on the horizon as soon as it’s cheaper. The areas that remain habitable due to climate change will shrink
I do not know why this isn’t treated as a more pressing issue
It’s strange isn’t it? It ‘seems obvious’ but there’s such resistance, and not just from those who benefit from the status quo.
I am surviving with you. I love you.
Often when I’m talking to give information, people get something completely different from it. I know how words work, but somehow it turns to garbage between my brain and their ears.
“Am I talking like the god damn riddler?” when my simple statement is somehow wildly misunderstood
Now I’m wondering if I shouldn’t start every question with “Riddle me THIS, Batman!” 🤔
I don’t know anything about what is between my ears and your brains, but even so, I love you.
Hey thanks! Love you too!
I don’t know how to make a convincing heart on here so instead I will just say thank you.
This happens to me constantly. Just the other day I asked some friends for something and then they sent the literal exact opposite of that thing. Pretend I asked for blue with red stripes they gave me green with yellow polka dots. And it wasn’t just one person it was three separate people who all decided that made sense for some reason.
I was extremely specific too, even more than usual because I know people constantly misinterpret me. I made extra sure to not use any language with vague meanings and it still happened anyway. It’s like we live in alternate realities where words have completely different meanings.
It makes me not want to talk to people at all.
Being neurodivergent does that to you
It’s hard. I love you.
Do most people live in a room chained to a bed and toilet, being gang banged by large women and doom scrolling Lemmy?
I love you.
You’re one of the large women, aren’t you.
Honestly, sometimes yes.
I genuinely can’t understand ‘peoples’ need to hate on each other. All the time.
But I feel like the tin foil hat wearing loony when I share this sentiment with most people.
I get you. I love you.
Aww thanks! Love you too!
Most people are unsatisfied with their lives. There are two ways we generally try to deal with this; improve your own situation or try bringing other people down to your level. Many feel like the latter option is easier.
I don’t hate anyone or anything. Hate is a toxic emotion that poisons your own mind but leaves the target of it unaffected. It also implies the thing you’re hating is responsible for whatever it is that makes you hate it and assumes they could choose to do otherwise. I don’t believe in this. People don’t choose to behave badly. They just do and couldn’t have done otherwise.
“Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.”
Even when I’m by myself, I often get the feeling like I’m in a “bubble,” and everything I’m looking at outside of myself is some other reality different from my own. It’s not a positive or a negative feeling, just kind of weird.
So to answer your question: Yes.
I love you.
To be fair, that is true!
We are each in our own simulated ‘reality’ of whats going on out there.
Perhaps it wold be nice if people could ‘re-calibrate’ their ‘realities’ sometimes?
Only when I smoke crack…
Do not smoke crack. I love you.
Yeah, asd/adhd does that to you when you see how other people function “normally” and how your hangups are wildly more uncontrollable over trivial things. Then you get the adhd on top of that. Focus is a highly ambivalent and fickle creature. Good times. The brain being the reality we each experience, I think people with neurodivergence actually do experience a different reality than normative people do.
Yes, we live in a world were many serious people with serious credetrials can’t see lasting. and people go to a Taylor Swift concert or a Football game
“I see no way out of revolutionary changes to how we live today … it is too late for non-radical futures” - Professor Kevin Anderson
Outgoing special rapporteur David Boyd says ‘there’s something wrong with our brains that we can’t understand how grave this is’
I am a stranger in a strange land
What’s really disturbing is when they go to a Swift Football game. I love you.
What a good question! No, most of the time I feel I am stuck here with everyone else, in this timeline. Sometimes what I perceive diverges from those around me, other times it converges. But I think of those as different filters overlaying the same reality; although I don’t believe this is the only reality in existence, it does feel like a ride we cannot get off.
Following on from the previous person’s travelling lifestyle and only working when they want to work, and work on things that they want to, I have children young children which makes it a little more difficult. However, there have been times in my life when I’ve just packed up, jumped in my vehicle and driven wherever. It’s very liberating.
This type of thinking may come from my near death accident 23 years ago or maybe it’s a personal trait that I’ve always had, don’t know. Personally speaking, believing in the system that’s presented to us from a very young age is not healthy for society or yourself, sometimes you just need to embrace the fear of uncertainty and go for it.
It’s great that you’re no longer near death. I love you.
Absolutely. Mostly because I don’t consume much entertainment. Movies and TV really shape how people think.
Anti corpos unite! I love you.
Yep I’m somehow in a reality where everyone is loved by Crackhappy, but no one I know knows about this.
I operate in el camino reálity. Miss me with that ranchero and canyonero nonsense.
No, I live in the same reality as everyone else but I feel like my grasp of it is generally more accurate than that of an average person, what ever that means. I see people (myself included) as rather predictable biological “robots” that are pushed around by their primitive wants and emotions while pretending to have agency over all the good things happening to them and blaming the world for all the rest. I don’t beliefe in free will in the sense that most people think about it. As in “you could have done otherwise”. It’s not just a philosophical concept I like but something I truly believe in and live by. There’s no going back once you take that pill. You can’t help but see the world and people differently after that and I mean it in a good way.
I celebrate your grasp of the real. I love you.