I’d venture “Yadda Yadda” since we can do multisyllabic utterances.
Ratta Ratta?
“Ara ara”
Well, at least those other humans
According to the ancient Greeks, we would be bar-bars.
Yes! “The Greeks used the term barbarian for all non-Greek-speaking people, including the Egyptians, Persians, Medes and Phoenicians, emphasizing their otherness. According to Greek writers, this was because the language they spoke sounded to Greeks like gibberish represented by the sounds “bar…bar…;” the alleged root of the word bárbaros, which is an echomimetic or onomatopoeic word.”
Wow. So even thousands of years ago humans were racist assholes demeaning others for speaking a different language.
See America? You’re not special.
A human is a derpderp. Source: November 5 2024
I’d say it’s more of a Bwaahh
Or you could use the word we use most
A fuck-fuck
Non main character humans would be rhubarb-rhubarbs.