If you look closer, everything is a resistance. Well, except resistors, that have parasitic inductance and capacitance.
My circuit design lecturer: “If you dig down deep enough into the theory, every component from resistors to microprocessors are analogue and complex.”
Me: (internal screaming intensifies)
My plug: “Here, smoke this doob.”
Me: (inhales deeply) It all makes sense now.
This is true. I’ve been replaced several times with a Thevenin Equivalent.
How the university lectures go:
“Here’s a design theory, here’s another, and another, and another. Be sure to master these techniques for the exam, because they’ll be with you for the rest of your career.”
How the industry design practice goes talking with the senior electronics design engineer:
"Whilst I was high/drunk/sleep deprived from insomnia/all three at the same time, I drew up this circuit schematic last night and finished at 6am then got into the office for 8.
The calculations for these resistor and capacitance values? Idk, they just feel like the right values based on what I read in the data sheet. If they’re wrong who cares, we’ll stack SMDs on top or just respin the boards because PCBs and passives are cheap and we’ll (read: you’ll) desolder and reuse the more expensive ICs.
My design justifications notes? Haha that’s your job, silly junior engineer. Oh by the way, I’ll make value changes to 80% of these components fixing my mistakes, also known as ‘tuning the sensor circuits’, before I update the schematic. Even after it goes into production I’ll just pinch boards off the line and change some things in the BoM without writing an ECO because I don’t have time for that.
Yes I do still prefer to use leaded solder without an extractor fan, why do you ask?"
That engineer will either be the most liked person in the company or the most hated person in the company, yet either way are clearly un-fireable.
leaded solder without an extractor fan
- lead does not vaporize at the temps used in soldering.
- lead free solder also needs fume extraction. even more so actually, because it is used at slightly higher temps.
- even with perfect fume extraction, leaded solder can still poison you, because you touch it and then touch your face without washing your hands.
- if you are prone to allergic reactions from solder fumes avoid solder with a rosin core, use synthetic flux instead.
Leaded solder? Are you my dad?
Leaded solder is plainly better. I’ll die on that hill. From lead poisoning
This is how we end up in software my friend.
All the senior HW engineers I’ve interacted with almost cried when I told them I’d read the data sheets and schematics before asking them about some register values that needed to be set on boot.
Love those guys.
Also the money. I’d love to do more hardware heavy stuff but the pay just isn’t there.
Circuit analysis was so boring and teedious I didnt like doing it at all. Thanks for the relatable meme for all dozen of us EE on sciencememes
I know I’m a weirdo, but I really loved it since they felt like little puzzles. On the other hand, Electromagnetics felt like a swamp of sorrow and partial derivatives…
Yes it’s nice to see a proper showing of our EE siblings 😄
EE’s are the best E’s. Yeah, I said it.
Pick up an electron and show it to me. That shits imaginary. Also, EEs make the worst mechanical engineers because they have no concept of manufacturability.
MEs? They don’t know shit either. Just cause you can draw it doesn’t mean it’s possible. Also, GD&T, learn what a reasonable tolerance is or it’s going to cost 10x what it should.
Engineers need to get off my lawn.
Sound engineers seem to be okay. They seem to smoke a lot of weed.
“Now we just need you to calculate equivalent resistance between the points a “knight’s move” apart on an infinite grid of 1Ω resistors…”
The post-grad assistant helping me with that assignment night before it’s due:
“Oh that’s easy, just apply Kirchoff’s Gambit. Here’s the solution because the lecturer hasn’t changed the assignment questions since they started here 20 years ago.”
Me, wide eyed: “You are an angel amongst demons!”
Not circuits related, but this is me the second I finish the certification exam I’m taking tomorrow
Studying for the PE exam. It’s back, lads.