Malta I have been wanting to see the hypogeum for a while.
New Zeeland. But not by plane - by ship! I hate flying, but half around the globe on a small luxury cruise ship or yacht would be nice.
Cape Breton, Nova Scotia.
The Moon.
Failing that, Low Earth Orbit.
I handle this, as do most poor people, by not asking ourselves this question, not even fantasizing about it, for why torture yourself with something you never can do?
I would go to Freemoneyland and get free money
The fuckin moon, and it’s not even close. Get me off this rock
Japan. Several European countries.
The sun.
I’d just rent a cabin in a nearby mountain.
I don’t see the appeal in going far away from vacation.
Probably any other country where I could get a doctor to take a look at my heart condition without having to take out a loan against my house to pay for it.
I’d like to see Japan deeply. I’d go all the way across the country and make sure to stay at rural spots along the way to enjoy the stillness between cities.
My son asked me this yesterday. Japan.
A tour through the Nordic countries.
I’ve only ever seen Sweden from the highway from Malmö to Stockholm to get to a boat to Estonia in time, and only saw bits of the harbor in Helsinki during that trip. I’d love to take more time to explore Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland.
Yup, if the Arctic is fully booked, why not to go to Norway 😁