My mother was reminiscing about things we miss from the past. One thing she mentioned was Shocktarts. She loved Shocktarts! One of the few things she indulged in.
Recently, she got my nieces Christmas candy, and it included rainbow sour strips of some kind. Uncharacteristically, she ate a whole pack by herself.
I’d like to get some good sour candies. They have to actually be sour!!! Any recommendations welcome!
Although do note that candys whose main feature is “being sour” then fading after 4 seconds are not what I’m looking for.
Thank you! (:
Do they still make Warheads? Those were the sour candy when I was growing up, lol.
Yeah, but the sour only lasts for literally 5 seconds then it’s completely gone. ):
I think that’s probably a good thing. I’ve eaten so many warheads the skin started to come off my tongue.
Anyone know why that is?
My assumption is acid eating away some component of the skin
Yeah, imo they made em weaker. It’s possible my tastes changed, but I remember my parents struggling with them when I was a kid.
They did, I heard there was a lawsuit after kids developed ulcers, but I can’t confirm it. Either way, they now only have a sour gloss instead of being sour all the way through.
1 warhead = 10 lemons.
Still make them and you can buy them by the flavor off Amazon. I bought a box of black cherry and blue raspberry last year. I recieved blue raspberry Larry Taffy instead of Warheads, so I throw those fuckers in malic acid and lost a layer of skin on my tongue, so worth it.
You want REALLY sour? Buy some citric acid and pour a bit over some wet grapes. Tasty and probably the most sour thing I’ve ever had. Warheads and Toxic Waste candy are not too bad for me, but this makes my jowels sting.
Get some malic acid if you want it to be a different type of sour, or tartaric acid if you want it to be more tart.
Oh actually other suggestions; buy some N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine (Often called NALT), it’s incredibly sour and slightly sweet, once again different from from the fruit acids (malic, citric, tartaric). NALT is a precursor to Tyrosine an amino acid. You need only the tiniest amount on the tongue to get the affect. The sourness is from the acetyl group, and I think the slight sweetness is from the tyrosine/or the complete structure, as related compounds are used as artificial sweeteners.
Just to be pedantic, the acidity doesn’t come from the acetyl group - - it comes from the tyrosine, an amino acid.
Hmm, that’s interesting but IIRC Tyrosine itself isn’t all that sour when tasted, nor are really any other amino acids I can think of aside from possibly Taurine, I assumed it was a small amount of hydrolysis of the acetyl group was occurring to enable the taste difference, but if you’ve got some more context I’d love to hear it
The acetyl group (-COCH₃) is not acidic itself. The amino acid has both an acidic -COOH group and a basic primary amine (-NH₂) group, but in the compound the primary amine becomes a secondary amine (-NH-), who basicity will depend on surrounding atoms. (If you look at a structural diagram of the compound, the only hydrogen atom it can realistically lose to have acidity is on the -COOH.)
Sounds like the heroin of sour. I need a hit.
To make the grapes even better, freeze them with the citric acid. It makes an awesome treat.
I’m down. Thanks!
Slightly different qualifier, but I hate sour powder. It tears up your mouth too much. I love Haribo Twin Snakes because, while they aren’t incredibly sour, it’s the gummy itself that’s sour, no powder involved.
Nobel Super Lemon candy is sour AF, if you have an Asian market near you.
Yo I am COMPLETELY on board with your mom, shocktarts were THE BEST!!!
Right??? Absolutely loved them, too!!
It makes me sad that they were discontinued… that and Cremesavers! Especially the strawberry/raspberry ones!
Cremesavers are available on Amazon.
I’ve also seen them at Michaels and Dollar General recently. Unfortunately they are not nearly as good as my memories of them and I ended up throwing half the bag away.
Dude. Yes.
Anything sour from this shop
I’m personally a fan of the sour tangerine candies since they resemble Altoids sours
Well that all looks interesting!
Is it handmade stuff?
Yeah it’s all handmade
Maybe my taste buds are just broken, but for me, candy has always been either very sour for a very short time, or slightly sour all the way through. I’ve never had anything be very sour all the way through.
Sour patch kids are a guilty pleasure.
Zours were great like 10 years ago. They don’t make them anymore though. Instead, they make Mike N Ike sours. They have some of the Zours flavors but not all of them. Still good though. I will admit the sour flavor disappears after a few seconds but it’s worth a taste.
Super Lemon by Nobel, they’re a Japanese candy maker.
I also recommend Miracle Berries, they add an interesting experience for anyone interested in sour flavors.
Barnetts Mega Sour Fizz Bombs are insanely sour for about a minute. We love sour candy in our house, but we can only have two a day for the damage they do. They can be tough to find if avoiding Amazon, we have to get them from a British imports store a few cities over.
Freeze-dried sour Skittles are also excellent. They’ll be gone pretty fast
My favorite these days is Albanese sour bears. They are sour all the way through and the flavors are varied and excellent. Not super sour, but I find them very flavorful and consistently tart from start to finish.
Sour Boys makes sour candy and they are fairly sour, but generally less sour than Warheads.
Does the sour last for a good bit? Even going tart is fine after a bit. Warheads have barely any taste after less than 10 seconds.
Most of it is just the coating, like Shocktarts and Warheads. The tartness of them past the coating depends on the flavor.
Not very sour, unfortunately.
They’re hard candies and not gummies, though.
They’re unfortunately terrible tasting though. I like sour stuff and the sour isn’t the problem. The other flavors of The candy is bad.