Given that the exact same question is the current top post but for driving instead of transit, I feel this question was needed.

My answer: I saw some guys hooking up a Raclette Grill to the outlet in an otherwise empty German intercity rail waggon. They had it unpacked in one of these 4 person seats with a small table. No idea if that could work or if draws too much power from the board net. I just headed on to the next waggon.

    7 months ago

    Wholesome one this time.

    I played a club sport in college. Nothing fancy and I was a fine but not top-of-the-roster player. Several of us rode the city bus to practice every day.

    There was often a woman on the same bus as us. She obviously had some mental and physical challenges. She would chat with other passengers at times, and eventually figured out many of us were teammates. She started getting into it, asking us who was the best player and if we were going to win “the big game”. (There was no “big game” ever upcoming, it was just a question she associated with sports and asked frequently). One time she brought her autograph book and asked us all to sign it.

    When we did finally play in a “big game”, it got posted on YT. So I showed her a bit the next time we were on the bus together. She was pretty excited and asked for another round of autographs now that we were TV famous.

    She never came to a game, I think a disruption like that to her routine might have been really hard on her, but it was fun having such a non-judgemental, joyous fan.

    7 months ago

    In the late 80s I ended up on a bus from North Minneapolis to South Minneapolis at around 9pm after a school play.

    With me were my sister and several of our friends.

    I’ll never know if this was in any way an out of the ordinary ride for the time and place. For context, we are all 13-15 years old, all white kids.

    1. A middle-aged black man holding a very small suitcase gets on and walks to the very back of the bus, sitting next to one of my sisters friends. Out of his jacket he pulls a few red roses and hands them to her. He then begins to flirt with her, angering other passengers and causing the bus driver to scream at him and kick him off.

    2. A fight breaks out in the front of the bus. Everyone, including the driver and the couple fighting, are laughing. Then one stumbles into the driver and they get kicked off.

    3. A drunk man comes and sits next to me and my friend Nick. Nick and I are chatting about a game, probably Warhammer Fantasy.

    The man asks Nick for a favor.


    “Teach me your language.”


    “Teach me Russian.”

    “I don’t know Russian!”

    “Teach me anyway.”

    That’s it. Of all of those I’m now sure the drunk guy was just deliberately fucking with us. But we also all made it home safely. Just a little window into 80s Minneapolis night life.

      7 months ago

      Ah yes, the ‘80s were a time of adolescence for big cities. New York especially. Fucking graffiti EVERYWHERE. It’s SO much better now, it’s ridiculous. Public transport is also quite a lot cleaner in general. From the late ‘90s until around 2010 I rode subways all the time for work during various times of day, and it was really not bad at all.

        7 months ago

        I remember on our bus ride to school we passed an old store that had, spray painted on the side, “Forgive them, Lord, for they know not what they do.”

        Months went by and I’d ponder that a bit when we passed it, until someone updated the old quote.

        “Forgive them, Lord, for they know not what they doo-doo.”

    7 months ago

    Guy sets a bluetooth speaker down on a seat, and then proceeds to do a full gymnastic dance routine right there in the subway car. Plenty of “regular” dancing, but also handstands, hanging from the rails, spinning on the floor, walking on the walls, the works. All well-timed to the music.

    Didn’t ask for money. Just got off at the next station. Dude just wanted to dance, I guess.

    7 months ago

    Two, both on the same bus ride:

    Old guy comes on with a cart and starts selling cotton candy, with surprising success. 50 cents, and the rest of the ride people are just all enjoying cotton candy in violation of no eating rules (especially sticky stuff).

    Girl, probably around 16ish, on a loud phone call with someone in regards to a boyfriend in prison with increasingly more depressing and dire details as the ride goes on except a random moment where she talked about Fortnite. We’re talking drugs, pregnancy, other women, and Fortnite.

    7 months ago

    I was taking the train to work and there was this homeless dude sitting there quietly scooping chocolate powder over his head.

    Just using the little plastic scoop that comes in the can. Scoop, scoop, scoop.

    He wasn’t hurting anyone, so I called it in to the transit authority when I got to my stop. On the one hand, I didn’t want anyone seeing a bunch of brown powder thinking we got anthraxed, at the same time, I didn’t want to be late for work. ;)

    “Yeah, there’s a guy on the Westbound train quietly covering himself in chocolate powder.”

    “What kind of chocolate powder?”

    “. . . I dunno, Nestlé Quik? Does it matter?”

    7 months ago

    Once I was working at a train station on a nice, sunny afternoon, and there was a fella on the platform with a sharpened bit of PVC just waving it about, threatening people. I did as I was supposed to, stayed in the booking office, told security and the train guards, etc, but I was telling people not to go down to the platform because there was a fella waving a sharpened bit of PVC about, and they were saying “oh don’t be daft”, “oh I can’t miss this train”, and so on. I for one would let someone off if they were late because a fella was waving a sharpened bit of PVC about at the train station, but everyone who lived around the station was an hard knock or something.

    Once I was working at a different station a bit further out in the sticks, and I was watching the CCTV as the train on the down platform was letting out. I saw someone walk into the car park, duck down between two cars, and walk away in different clothes. Bit odd, I thought, but fine, they’re not causing trouble. Then a man came to the window and he was apoplectic: “some fella’s just got off there and now he’s got a dress on!” So I said yeah mate, I’ve just seen that on the CCTV. This man stayed there for at least a few minutes repeatedly complaining to me that this other fella had got off the train and changed into a dress. I found it weirder that he was so upset about it, honestly.

    Once I was on the way home from work on Orangeman’s Day ( and of course the train was rammed. I was sort of looking around, surveying the scene, and this bloke at the arse-end of the carriage suddenly piped up: “fuck the pope! Wahehey!” which I found a bit bemusing, but it’d of course been a dogshite day at work so I didn’t engage any further.

    I’ve probably got hundreds of these anecdotes if I could jog my memory a bit. I had a bit of a talent for straddling the line of acceptability when writing the reports to security, which got sent to every booking office, so I ended up with a reputation and the nickname Mad Bob.

        7 months ago

        Oh, and Johnny Vegas is from the neighbouring borough in the county I’m from, so quite apt.

      7 months ago

      Since its beginning, the Twelfth has been accompanied by violence between Ulster Protestants and Catholics, especially during times of political tension.

      A beautiful celebration of heritage.

        7 months ago

        It’s basically the reason for the season as far as I remember!

    7 months ago

    Dude on the train runs a successful business selling plain white socks. See him hustling nearly every day.

    7 months ago

    Saw someone poop off the red line train in chicago. Impressive considering he did it in the brief time the doors were open.

    • merari42@lemmy.worldOP
      7 months ago

      Never seen someone piss in a tram/subway in Stuttgart and we have an annual beer festival (the Stuttgarter Wasen) Here.

      7 months ago

      Not public transport, but a street parade on London. I saw a woman squat down, pull her thong to the side under her skirt, shit on the street, let go of the thong and continue walking all in about five seconds.

    7 months ago

    I live in a city, Manchester UK, so I’ve pretty much seen anything you could think of.

    • Fighting
    • Pissing / Shitting
    • Shagging
    • Smoking
    • Doing heroin
    • Once saw a guy jump off the bus as he saw someone that owed him money, ran over and battered the guy
    • Football hooligans being loud and obnoxious
    • Racists being racist to people that look different to them
    • people being arrested

    That said I love living so close to a large city.

    7 months ago

    high speed train. a scrawny dude in a tracksuit asks someone when the train will stop. next station in 40 minutes, someone tells him. (there are only five stops and all in large cities) this reassures him for a while.

    30 minutes to the city. dude stands up and asks when will the train stop. the same someone tells him that in half an hour, but this time he doesn’t chill out. he wants to get out, RIGHT NOW. dude gets increasingly more agitated and hovers around train door. he found a hammer somewhere and tried to break open glass in that door, but it’s reinforced so it doesn’t fall apart. at that point someone alerted train staff. he wants to get out, right now, and won’t through that hole. train got stopped shortly after, everyone in that car was moved out to others. other than that dude, that is, now without hammer, repeating I WANNA GET OUT

    some of staff tries to pacify him, but it doesn’t work. border guard and some other uniformed officer, both on leave, tackle him and hold until railway security arrive. it took six of them to take that tracksuit dude out to ambulance. (he got to leave train) motherfucker caused 4h of delay for this train and many delays downstream

    7 months ago

    As I was preparing to get off the train, I heard the man next to me say “hublublublubluh”.

    I looked over. He was lying down.

    “hublublublubluh” he repeated, and this time I got to witness the exit of pints of beery vomit onto the floor.

    The train stopped. The vomit rushed across the floor under other people’s feet and bags. As I got off I noticed the smell.

    Really glad that was my stop.

    7 months ago

    There are night busses in my city, and there are loads of wild stories but maybe my favorite is this wholesome one:

    So friends were returning from pub with guitars (some jam night) and didn’t want to stop. Get to the bus and started playing again, few stops another guy with guitar gets on, joins them… So the trip went like all the people singing, players hops on and of on their stops and everyone have a good time returning from pubs.

    When we did something like that on few hour long train ride some German girls really liked it, they didn’t understand a word but they clapped after each song.

      7 months ago

      That sounds like other people would probably find it either delightful or obnoxious with little in between.