Mfer literally quoted Orban. Bruuuuh
Trump: makes incorrect claim
Moderator: Actually there is no evidence that happened
Trump: well I saw it on TV! Someone said it on TV! Someone wouldn’t just go and say something on TV if it wasn’t true!
Shouldn’t the president of the country have a bit of higher standard of evidence than “I saw someone say it on TV”?
Especially since he’s probably the person who said it on TV. But, to answer your question, of course the president should have a higher standard, and the people should hold him to it. For some reason this asshole is still around despite being a living parody.
Worse is my coworkers ranting about how biased the moderator was
Moderators keep letting trump interrupt & talk over them. Bro just grow some balls & tell him to shut up & mute his shit
I have been disappointed by that as well but this has been astoundingly good as far as debates have gone. The immediate fact checking is long overdue. And frankly I look forward to pointing at Trump’s extra speaking time as a bulwark against the “iT wAs BiAsEd By ThE lIbErAL mOdErAtOrS” complaints.
I’ve been genuinely impressed by their real-time fact checking. They’re swatting away every wild thing he says calmly and with specific examples of the truth. These moderators are incredibly well-prepared.
Hopefully that’s the standard from now on. Unless Donny finally kicks the bucket we’re probably gonna be seeing more of him even if he loses in November
There’s no way the GOP will give him another chance after losing twice, especially with all the other baggage
Hahahahah. He is the gop now. Would be fun watching him shred the party to pieces from a jail cell. Not to celebrate to early or anything.
As much as I want to agree I still don’t think it’s likely he’ll ever see the inside of a cell. Not when the highest court in the land is almost entirely made up of his servants
To me, if trump loses, the charges will start piling up. Sure it may be years until he’s actually punished but I wouldn’t rule it out. Not with everything he is up against (so far). I’d bet money trump is committing more crimes to this day.
Thinking that same thing. For once just enforce the rules on this man baby
The problem is that they would hone in on that and make the debate about that rather than Kamala. They took the L for her Win. It’s shitty. But what they had to do to make her the focal point. He absolutely is gaslighting them to make it about what he wants.
Who is “they” in this context? If you’re talking about trumpers, they’re a lost cause, man. They’re always going to have some alternate version of reality. The only way we’re going to move forward as a country is if we stop worrying about what they’re going to say or do. We cannot let the tyranny of the minority hold this country hostage.
speakers took the L for Kamala I think is what he means
This has been a complaint across a dozen debates for 8 years now.
That was Harris’s request, I thought. In the original terms for the Trump/Biden debate, each person’s mic was shut off except when it was their turn to speak. Harris asked for that to be changed to allow interruptions, and Trump went along with it. If that’s not working out for Harris, she should probably talk to her own team that wanted it, instead of whining about the moderators.
Agree. They are just letting him prove what a crazy duck he is.
Nah, I’m busy performing transgender operations on illegal immigrants that are in prison right now
Me next 👉👈🙄
Don’t forget to do their abortions first
Yo pass me your pet first before you go
I laughed for like a solid minute at that one.
Don’t forget to implant the voting microchip while you’re in there!
I laughed so hard when I heard that! Best quote of the whole night!
I watched it, and I usually skip debates because the summaries are more meaningful (it’s usually just used for fluffy sound bites). This one just felt… Different? She baited the fuck out of him. There will be so many memes.
And yeah the moment he said the great Orban I fucking lost it, more at than the dog eating migrants and the post birth abortions. Like, Harris can’t necessarily call that “ally” an asshole fascist but like, those of us in the know, know.
It’s really astounding that Donald will lie his ass off about almost anything but can’t muster the will to lie about protecting Ukraine. No rational person could think he intends to do anything but hand over Ukraine to Russia.
That’s exactly what he means by “ending the war” and it “never happening in the first place”
That’s the one thing he CAN’T lie about. Putin has him on a very short leash, and he would catch hell for even implying that Ukraine should be defended.
For Putin, it’s not about getting Trump in office, it’s about PR, and saying you’ll defend Ukraine is not good PR.
I hate writing lengthy apology letters too.
protecting Ukraine
So, turning Ukraine into a mass prison that people are desperatly trying to escape, where people are kidnapped on the streets and sent to die on the frontlines? Can they somehow opt-out of this protection? Yeah, didn’t think so, obviously you know what’s better for other people.
No rational person could think he intends to do anything but hand over Ukraine to Russia.
Obviously it wouldn’t happen, just the current front lines would become the new borders.
But even your bogeyman “hand over Ukraine to Russia” is still orders of magnitudes better for Ukrainians than the current situation.
Man I wish your hometown would get conquered by a hostile force.
Well, as a Ukrainian, I also hope so, but unironically.
Because if my hometown will get conquered by “hostile force” people will finally be able to leave, and I will be able to visit it and leave it afterwards.
I’m sure he’ll be happy with the Sudetenland!
Nah probably not, but he’ll be stopped at Kursk just like the last time :)
ABC is being pathetically weak in controlling Trump rebuttal time. They are letting him walk all over them.
Harris campaign requested unmuted mics - it was Trump’s team that was worried about him making an ass of himself with interruptions. With that in mind they might be letting him talk because it’s what Harris wanted in the first place.
Never interrupt your enemy in the middle of a mistake.
every prosecutor wants to get a defendant on the stand and she did a great job of letting him babble. I think at one point she shook her head and said “he doesn’t remember the question” her mic was off though so I’m not sure
Not a bad idea honestly, it clearly worked as intended
They need to use electrodes and as you go over your time or interrupt you get a small shock that gets larger each time you offend.
Trump would die in 15 minutes.
Seems like a win win
None of that should matter if the moderators had the a drop of a spine. They don’t. They should be banned from ever moderating again.
They fact-checked constantly during the first half, which was a huge improvement over former debates. Honestly I thought this was better moderated than any previous debate involving Trump.
Honestly don’t know what it takes for an asshole to be put in his place. Most people are weak in this sense, I mean, we see it in every day lives too. It took me so much fucking working to get this sociopathic criminal pushed out of my friend group. Most people didn’t “want to make things awkward”.
Nothing new there.
I am waiting for it to come out in meme format.
There’s going to be some good ones for sure
I am out of the loop, what’s that about
Honestly it’s how I consume lot of world events these days
Harris: “You shouldn’t have to fly to another state just to get the medical attention you need.”
Holy shit, the brain gymnastics some people do on the net is astonishing.
There’s a live thread at !
Thanks homie u da mvp
I was but had to turn it off after President Treason lied about people getting hurt on Jan 6
Kamala on fire
Even called him a strongman like it was a good thing.
No. And i am tired that lemmy is 90% posts about the US while they are less then 30℅ of the user.
Sorry but I live in the US. You are allowed to post too my friend.
It’s the Internet during US elections.
Even outside the elections, it is far too US-centric. I mean, it is after all.
I’m sorry if I sound more pissed off than I actually am, but it is indeed quite a bit annoying.
You and me both, but I think it’s up to us to publish content that’s not us-centric.
Exactly, it’s an open platform everyone can participate
Lol take a look at the world my friend.
Yes and the us runs a good chunk of it
no, not like i like to stay uninformed, i just don’t like to cringe
Colin Robinsons out there feeding from the energy
Saw most of it. Actually surprised that fat orange held himself together for so long. Hes still not worth the trouble though
He was coherent but clearly uncomfortable, usually he’s pretty confident.