Preferring looks over functionality.
So many things in today’s world are dogshit covered in a pretty wrapper and everyone eats it up. Meanwhile things that actually work well and last get ignored because they’re not pretty.
I’m not saying things can’t be pretty but you should never put form over function.
I STRONGLY believe in the whole, “form follows function”, idea. Something that fulfills is intended purpose well, repeatedly, efficency, etc. is beautiful to me
…And yet, people tend to despise brutalist architecture.
Well, the idea of using unfinished concrete (the origin of the movement’s name) was something of a modern/internationalist reaction to the earlier excesses of nouveau and deco really. It wasn’t that concrete is a superior material for structure, the ancients knew that. A better current example (that argues the opposite to your point unfortunately!) of form following function is cheap [edit: cheap isn’t what I meant, more ‘the cheapest available using today’s sophisticated engineering’, which obviously isn’t cheap but real estate doesn’t have that reputation anyway] curtain walls in high rises. Pretty insipid but people love it; there’s no accounting for taste, especially among those who have no appreciation for the finer things.
Like, cloth curtains to divide interior spaces, instead of actual walls??
No - curtain walls are where there’s no wall, just a window attached to the frame as in most modern office buildings. Apologies meant to respond to @HelixDab2 below who mentioned béton brut :)
No worries at all, happy to learn something new
True, just don’t word it like that when you’re telling your partner why you love them.
I generally agree with this, but I would like to remind everyone not to take this generalization and run too far in the other direction. A video game that is a perfect simulation of something but has a bad art style will be less enjoyable than a game with a great art style, even if the art detracts from the perfect simulation somewhat.
Thinking that things they don’t enjoy should not be enjoyed by anyone else, and complaining bitterly about people enjoying those things.
Yeah similarly, when a pastime or hobby is shared among a large group in society or culturally or whatever, someone who doesn’t enjoy or partake in said hobby is seen as weird (or worse).
Case in point: I’m a dude who looks like I should watch sports. I hate sports spectating. Having the “why don’t you watch football” conversation comes up annoyingly too often.
lol I hear you. I never ask anybody, “Why don’t you have a 3d printer?”
Honestly I’m bringing that energy to the discussion next time.
Not putting your fucking shopping cart away. There’s no better way for me to explain it than the shopping cart theory:
Except at Aldi’s.
If you put your shopping cart away at Aldi’s, you probably hate the poor.
This is so true. The most basic every day test to judge your character
Stealing…Saving thisA bit similar to this: leaving a table or waiting place and pushing your chair in.
Smoking. Let’s see, I could pay a ton of money for something that reeks and damages my health and the health of those around me, that once I start I’ll become addicted to so I’ll struggle to quit even if I want to, or I could, uh, not. Yeah let’s go with not.
Devil’s advocate. (I do not actually condone cigs, they smell like burnt butt).
As a non (extremely sparse) smoker who’s pretty sure he’s incapable of actually getting addicted, counterpoint: nicotine tingly tho. 😚
My uncle always said "he’s not addicted, he can stop at any time.
he knows because he’s done it a thousand times."
It’s like new relationships. The tingles stop after like a week. At which point you’ve got yourself a new obligation and feel increasingly like death with each passing day.
You…might be doing relationships wrong.
I’ve been with my partner over ten years and I get tingles every time I see them if I’ve been away from them for a while.
I also smoke occasionally (when I’m very drunk, cigs make me feel like trash when I’m sober) and they always FLOOR me. The trick is to do it very sparingly (if you want that trash in your life)
“All things in moderation” springs to mind. Hitting the occasional vape at game night or out at the local discotheque certainly works a charm. But on occasion while being, as you said, ripping drunk (ideally at like a metal show or sum’m otherwise debaucherous), honking on a proper ciggy can scratch a very particular itch. Ooh, or that morning after a wild night having coffee and cigarette. Hits different.
Terrible, nasty habit tho’. Getting addicted to nicotine is miserable from what I’ve seen. Stay in school, kids!
I smoked habitually for like nine months when I was younger, and I am very lucky… I smoked like half’a pack a day, and one day I smoked a cigarette and it felt like GARBAGE. I took a couple days off and tried again… GARBAGE. That was the end of my habitual smoking hahaha
Now, as far as my partner goes, no moderation there. I’m with them almost all day every day and we both LOVE that so much. We miss each other when we’re not around each other. I am so thankful to have found my clone.
As someone who recently quit tobacco let me tell you: cigarettes are amazing! A cup of coffee, a crossword and a good summer morning on a patio is basically heaven. Smoking is cool and makes you look cool too! Everyone should smoke.
Yeah, I’ll believe the addictive qualities for sure. However “cool” has not been true for years. I’ll never forget in college where some friends would encourage me to join them outside “where the cool people are smoking”, yet it always seemed like 2-3 people outside alone not enjoying a party or whatever. At least I was there because I’m an introvert and the party is exhausting, not fooling myself about thinking it cool.
Oof you fell for the troll.
Lol, sorry I wasn’t trying to troll anyone. I was just trying to point out that smoking is pleasurable. After all there’s a reason it became so popular worldwide so fast.
That having been said I do not recommend anyone smoke. Tis a terrible habit on the whole.
Also, vaping. Somehow, vaping seems even dumber than smoking.
A type, true believer office people.
It’s all laid out, you have at most 100 years and 50ish healthy ones if you’re extremely lucky, and you want to spend more energy then you absolutely have to… micromanaging others and bragging about maximizing your office work output as you eek out a living?
I genuinely find the coworkers that try to drown themselves in corpo kool-aid disturbing. Soulless. I find them as sad and pathetic as they probably find me for my half hearted, clearly mocking impression of corpo culture, as I don’t show my true self at work.
Like just… Why? It’s a job. The owner truly doesn’t care if you live or die. Stop bragging that you canceled on your family yet again in favor of your "work family."🤮 They think they’re setting an example for their coworkers to follow, but I’m just sitting there pitying them.
Couldn’t agree more (current boss is one such preoccupant) except it’s spelled eke in this case, eek is for the onomatopoeic noise when frightened.
When I see that particular typo I get all giddy imagining someone just getting paid to scream out in shock over and over
“EEEEEEEEEKKK! I just got my first paycheck and there’s a spider on it!”
SERIOUSLY this one pisses me off like no other. And I can maybe be more sympathetic to tossing biodegradable trash out a car window, like an apple core out into the ditch (which I know can still be a problem shh), but fuuuuck these people tossing the whole fast food sack out the car or whatever. Fuck you, find a trash can! You obviously live in one, you filth, toss it at home! Fuck!
I toss my apple cores and banana peels into the bushes. Never plastic, metal glass etc.
IMO it’s better that the apple cores goes directly to compost on some plant than to a landfill.
And I do this at my own home as well, if I finish an apple or banana, I’ll chuck it in the garden, maybe kick some sand over it.
Becoming very invested in watching strangers play games for money.
I used to think this, still kinda do. I get nothing out of watching sports. But just the other day I was talking to a friend who coaches football, she said she likes it because it’s similar to chess. There are near limitless combinations of plays and each…segment, down, ball thing, I don’t fucking know football, is another move. I’m not going to watch football but I appreciate her perspective
Yeah but people don’t dress up in ugly logo covered clothing and face/body paint and spend millions and millions of dollars to build and fill up specialized stadiums with screaming fans to watch strangers play chess.
A game is a game. The actual stakes are basically the same when I play Mario Kart on my couch as when a couple dozen dudes in tights smash into each other in the cold at the sports balls stadium. There’s a winner and non-winners and the outcome means basically nothing to the people spending money to watch and wear their overpriced matching fan attire.
I think they have fun.
Not that i engage in this particular variety myself, but this kind of activity typically gets more fun the deeper you dive in. I generally only watch esports, but the more i care about the outcome of a game, and the more i understand of the game, the more fun it is to watch. I can think of no better way of caring more about a game than siding absolutely with one of the teams and betting money on their victory.
You ever go to a sports game? Lol
“Haha I was only pretending to be stupid”
Not really. People get paid for being the best at something. Thats not the same as, for example, watching people play poker, where the only objective is winning money. E-sports has the same money issue where someones excellence at a game is sullied by the fact that most of the competitions are measured by their prices pool. As if being the best at something isn’t enough anymore.
People who stay with abusive partners the first time they are abused
The first time he loses his temper and screams how stupid you are is shocking. And then he apologizes and love-bombs and you write it off as a one-time bad day, confident it won’t happen again. The next time when he screams how useless you are, the love bomb and apology are accompanied with a perfectly calm and logical (and apologetic) explanation of how you made him lose his cool and if you just wouldn’t X, he wouldn’t get so mad… Eventually when he screams and calls you names, you are the one apologizing and begging forgiveness…
By the time he actually hits you, you are already convinced that you are the problem and if you just wouldn’t make him so mad, he wouldn’t lose his cool - and you’re so worthless and useless and bad at life that you are lucky he wants you at all and no one else would even give you the time a day…
I understand the way abusers/narcissists convince the victim. Sorry, it sounds like you know first hand and hope you’re in a better place
Being autistic, the instant someone is rude or abusive on purpose with the intent to cause harm or stress, I’m out. No apologizing will ever make me forget they purposely wanted to cause me harm. If I would never purposely hurt someone, then I expect the same
It’s crazy that people forgive the first time they’re abused by someone
(Wo)men screaming when something unexpected scary/frightening happems
It’s a warning to others and a simultaneous cry for help, it’s hardwired into our primate brains from the days when your packs survival depended on getting away from the tiger/snake/rival pack/fire asap
And to add to this,
Girls are allowed to feel emotions. Boys get theirs beaten out of them.
Hence screaming for help is considered a woman thing.
Adding to this: Women are culturally encouraged to feel and express specific emotions while Men are culturally encouraged to feel and express different, specific emotions. How one ought to behave is dependent on the culture on a grand scale, and those expectations skew how people observe gendered behavior.
For example, women who speak candidly are more likely to be considered flawed and viewed negatively. Or a woman who screams is acting normally while a man who screams is an outlier, no matter how many times men are observed screaming.
A fantasy book series I really like has a book late in the series where the support powerful protagonist gets transplanted to another culture and while training his guards/knights/soldiers/whatever teaches them martial arts style yelling as they strike, because the culture is very individualistic and he wants them to yell for help without them objecting to yelling for help
fun fact: this arvo i walked i to the kitchen where the hubs was focused on cooking up a storm, cat bitch-meowed at me. I bitch meowed back, startled husband shouts JESUS.
You scare a human, they make a noise.
I meant something less logical than getting scared/startled.
Example from some random internet video: A transporter lost traction on a snowy hilly street and sled uncontrolled back the hill. The woman started screaming for her life as if she was on fire. Dunno how that helps. Seems irrational to me.
Afaik the only thing that got damaged on her property was a US-type mailbox. Not the garden, no flower got harmed. Like okay?
Wanting expensive designer clothes/accessories.
One, I hate spending money. Two, I’d worry about ruining them too much to ever want to wear/use them. Three, they just generally aren’t comfortable.
Amen. My only high-value items I pay a ton for are electronics. The only time I pay more than 20-30USD for a shirt is if it’s from an independent artist.
Wanting to look rich… Like, who the fuck cares.
How people can be hateful to others because of what their skin colour is, what their sex is, or because they have a disability. In the grand scheme of things our lives are short, so why not spend that time on loving people rather than hating them for things beyond their control which harms no one?
The worst discrimination I’ve experienced was by the religious finding out I’m atheist. It’s mind blowing how nasty people can get when they perceive you as an “other” without reason.
It makes a lot more sense when you realize how many people literally don’t have empathy. It’s like they’re missing a crucial brain function necessary to being a part of a functioning society
That and greed
I agree, I believe that people fundamentally tend towards peace in the absence of any other forces, and this is something that makes no sense to me aside from the ideas being planted and nurtured in our society to keep us divided and lashing out at each other instead of looking up and rising against those who oppress us.
I can’t understand someone that want to attack another country, go to war, just to take some piece of land. And then want to die for this reason.
People should just learn that you can’t get everything they want in life and deal with it in a good way.
The people declaring the war are not the same people fighting the war.
just to take some piece of land
That’s not really what wars are about though. It’s usually some internal power struggle.
It used to be about that.
Tell that to the capitalists running the world
To add to this, I can’t understand how a bunch of people can so-easily be whipped up into a frenzy to “go kill those people because glory or something” and don’t feel how they’re being manipulated.
Like when some autocrat wants to play chess with peoples’ lives, it’s really surprising how there’s not really many (if any?) documented cases of people just being like “Huh, sounds like a problem for Lil’ Bitchard the Twelth to solve like a big boy doesn’t it? I’m not dying over your silly disputes.”
I guess that’s why it’s usually a first step to reinforce oath-taking and thoughtless nationalism into culture as quickly as they can…
Insisting to spend your attention on exactly 1 (one) significant other.
I can’t imagine being monogamous.
Having done both, it’s simple: you can’t have a deep relationship without time. Not just quality time, but quantity time as well. The more relationships you try to juggle, the less you can spend with any single person, and that limits the amount if emotional intimacy that you can achieve.
Yes, yes, love is infinite. The time that you have to be alive, however, is not.
That is even if you intentionally ignore any issues of jealousy.
Awesome answer
Hahahaha I’m the other way around, I can’t imagine having enough energy and attention for more than one person
Idk, I’ve been with the same monogamous partner for the past 10 years. I’m chillin. No complaints. When I imagine dealing with multiple romantic partners on top of all the other shit I deal with, it makes me want to blow my head off. One is enough.
Excellent answer you shouldn’t be downvoted for. I fully disagree because I’m terminally monogamous, but I have poly friends who are very happy to be poly!
I’m biased because I’m rythmically deficient, but it makes no sense to me. It’s just weird wiggling.
Worse still is clubbing, which is just dancing in a hot, sweaty dark room where the drinks are $13 each amd you don’t get to pick the music, or turn the volume down.
This might be the most boomer thing I’ve ever written.
Go put on a banger and weirdly wiggle to it.
There’s no way to describe the emotion it gives you. You just have to find a banger, and wiggle weirdly while it plays.