The reverse of that post I’ve made a week ago…
Rules: pick one movie or series and explain why you actually enjoyed it despite the criticism.
For me: The JJ Abrams Star Trek movies, by far the best ST stuff ever made, I couldn’t take seriously the original universe with the dated effects and stiff acting, same goes for NG… These movies did ST actually great looking and much more believable, not just the effects.
Zardoz. Say what you will about Sean Connery running around in a bright red romper, it was original.
Super Mario Bros. with Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo. I don’t care how bad it is. It’s in the campy so-bad it’s good pool of movies and nothing anyone says can change my mind. The fact that they were drunk off their asses just makes it even funnier in my opinion.
I thought Waterworld was fine.
Not sure if it was HATED, but Hook if we’re going by reviews. I can’t imagine any kid seeing that movie and not loving it though.
Wild Wild West has a 16% on Rotten Tomatoes but I genuinely enjoy that film. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen also at 16% and also a movie I enjoyed
Fun fact. Will Smith passed up playing Neo in the Matrix for WWW. I think we got the better deal but it’s fun to picture it.
No way ! WWW is a treasured childhood memory of mine, this rotten tomato guy can suck ass
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen aka How audiences unjustly bullied Sean Connery out of acting.
Wait, really? That was an excellent movie. I wanted them to build a franchise around it
Sean Connery’s agent had scored him the roles of Gandalf for Lord of the Rings and Morpheus in The Matrix, but turned them down due to feeling the plot was too complicated for audiences to follow. After both of these became money-printing machines, he picked League of Extraordinary Gentlemen despite still having problems with the script believing it would be as big as the other two films and that he wasn’t going to miss out on a solid payday three times in a row…
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen would go on to be a box office bomb, and Sean Connery felt he was too “out of touch” with modern audiences to be an actor.
There is good news though, if you want more from the franchise you’re in luck. As the movie itself was based off of a comic book which has pretty much the same plot.
The only difference is the movie added “Tom Sawyer” to the group, he isn’t in the comic book and had been requested by executives so that there was a token American in the group, fearing audiences wouldn’t be able to relate without a member from the good ol’ US of A.
Tom did seem kind of tacked on there, rather than fitting with the rest. But of course the executives were right, my American pride liked the symbolism of the ending
I can see someone liking League if they’d never read the comic.
I’ve read the comic. I consider them two different things
I’m not even going to call it a guilty pleasure, but Josie and the Pussycats was a movie that I genuinely adored long before people started to appreciate it for the satire that it is.
As a CIS male I got endlessly mocked, but I stuck to my guns.
Waterworld and Robin Hood Prince of Thieves.
Waterworld is ocean Fallout and RHPoT is fucking meme central. Plus RH is my childhood nostalgia movie, I’ve probably watched it over a couple hundred times just on VHS.
Johnny Mnemonic. Keanu cannot act for shit in it, the story isn’t exactly gripping, hell the action in it is somewhere in the shitter. Oh, and Henry Rollins is a nerdy doctor. All if it adds up to a campy trip of slop that triggers my guilty pleasure.
The Postman. Compared to other post apocalyptic cheese fests it feels like a more nuanced display of societal breakdown and the re-emergence of the barter economy.
Star Wars Ep 1 gets more hate than it deserves. It’s not a masterpiece by any means, but it’s enjoyable.
For me, it’s the movie Waterworld. I cannot get enough of that movie. So many people hated it. 🤣
Haters: it’s just Mad Max on water
Me: that’s awesome
I dont understand the hate other than cosner was the guy to hate in that era.
I’ve never understood Costner hate. He’s a good actor who stars in a lot of good movies.
I like Waterworld, and I like The Postman.
Postman was great! The book is worth a read, too.
The joke in my friend group was that Waterworld was Dances with Wolves on water. The Postman was Waterworld on land. Dances with Wolves was the Postman with Native Americans. Toss in whichever parallel you feel works best to not actually say the movie you’re putting on.
If paper is the most valuable substance in the entire world, then why are they continuously smoking cigarettes that are rolled in paper? That would be like eating a chunk of gold every hour.
Have you ever smoked? When you’re addicted you’d trade in a chunk of gold for a cigarette if necessary.
I once walked 10 miles to get cigarettes, so yeah, I guess I get that.
In my headcanon it’s some kind of smokable kelp wrapped in different kelp.
Solid Film. Quirky characters. Everyone seems to be having fun.
It inspired me to buy a kayak a few years back to have my Autistic Fish Man Summer.
Pretty sure when I went to WB world or whatever as a kid they had one of those 15min live shows of it. Jestskis and a few explosions. Surly it can’t be thst unpopular.
That was the first that came to mind, but I didn’t know it was very hated, just thought it bombed at the box office opening weekend because it was in competition with another movie that was way more popular.
It’s a fine movie, but people really don’t like being reminded of climate change or other environment issues. Same thing with Avatar. If you cast an environmentalist as a villain though, people seem to like it.
As a non-fan, I thought the JJ Abrams Star Trek movies were well received. All the casual trek fans around me seemed to like them, at least
Batman v Superman and Justice League (I didn’t watch original versions though).
Matrix 2 & 3. I don’t see, or watch, them as separate movies. Rather, together with Matrix 1, they form one big masterpiece for me. But I can see that it doesn’t really fit the 100 minutes format audiences came to expect, and breaking it in three parts did not do it any good. Plus, I guess I’m just a fan of long movies as I’ve also sat through the original, restored “Until the End of the World,” which runs for about 5 hours.
When I binged all 3 movies I realised that 2 and 3 should be watched together as a single film, it makes it so much better
Matrix 2 and 3 were films that always got a bad rep, but were alright if you sat down and watched them.
Matrix 4 is… best left forgotten, and I say that as someone who likes Indy 4
I get quite annoyed when people talk trash about 2 and 3. If it’s not for you then that’s fine but saying they’re not good really gets under my skin.
Yea I’m with you on this. They expand on an otherwise superb unit in a rather intricate way, bringing in so much lore and characters, complexifying the stakes, that I can see how they can be perceived as diluting a very pure work of art, and losing the beautiful esoterism of the first. But it’s two of those films you need to watch several times to wrap your head around and appreciate rightfully. Just like The Big Lebowski, in a different way
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